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Ahrefs Recenzje i szczegóły produktu

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Co to jest Ahrefs?

Ahrefs to oprogramowanie SEO, które oferuje analizę konkurencji, sugeruje słowa kluczowe, pokazuje trudność słowa kluczowego i generuje nowe propozycje słów kluczowych z jednej platformy. Po prostu wprowadź swój adres URL i Ahrefs może sprawdzić jakość wszystkich swoich profili linków zwrotnych. Pokazuje, jakie słowa kluczowe są kierowane i które strony docelowe generują największy ruch. Masz również możliwość wprowadzenia adresu URL konkurenta, aby zobaczyć słowa kluczowe, dla których są one oceniane i jaki ruch generują ich docelowe słowa kluczowe. Ahrefs twierdzi, że ma najszybszą wyszukiwarkę linków zwrotnych na świecie z aktywnym indeksem linków zwrotnych obejmującym ponad 14 bilionów linków.

Ahrefs jest również często używany jako preferowany SEO w SEO i Marketing stosy technologiczne.

Firma Ahrefs Pt. Sp. z o.o.
Rok założenia 2010
Wielkość spółki Pracownicy 51-200
Centrala Singapur
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Axela Grubby
Ahrefs Kategorie na Findstack
Logotyp Crevio
$ 29.00 / miesiąc
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Ahrefs Plusa i Wady'ego
  • Jeden z najsolidniejszych robotów indeksujących linki zwrotne w branży
  • Przejrzysty interfejs użytkownika, który działa świetnie dla początkujących i Zalety
  • Zaawansowane opcje filtrów ułatwiają znalezienie dokładnie tych danych, których potrzebujesz
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  • Wszystkie plany obejmują tylko 1 aktywnego członka, więc musisz zapłacić za każdego dodatkowego członka
Ahrefs Zakładka Charakterystyka
Analiza linków zwrotnych
Złamane Link Checker
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Pomysły na treść
Optymalizacja treści
Diagnostyka indeksowania
Integracja z Google Analytics
Keyword Research
Śledzenie słów kluczowych
Narzędzia do budowania linków
Lokalny SEO
SEO dla komórek
SEO strony
Narzędzie propozycji słów kluczowych PPC
Analiza szybkości strony
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Pulpit nawigacyjny SEO
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Nasze badania pochodzą z różnych wiarygodnych źródeł i mają na celu zapewnienie ogólnych porad. Nie gwarantujemy, że nasze sugestie będą najlepsze w każdym przypadku użycia, więc Wadyider odpowiada na Twoje unikalne potrzeby przy wyborze produktów i usług. Zachęcamy do dzielenia się swoimi informacja zwrotna.
Ostatnia aktualizacja: grudzień 06, 2024
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508 Ahrefs Recenzje
4.5 na 5
Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Jan 17, 2024
Ogólna ocena:
Tristen A.
„Świetne oprogramowanie”
Co lubisz najbardziej Ahrefs?

ahrefs has a deep database of keyword and statistic plus an endless amount of filters and crawling abilities

Czego nie lubisz Ahrefs?

They have a usage limit and if you exceed it you are charged extra

Jakie są problemy Ahrefs rozwiązania i jakie korzyści z tego masz?

It allows me to do keyword and competitor research very quickly

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Grudnia 12, 2023
Ogólna ocena:
Michael B.
„Bezcenne dane i badania SEO”
Co lubisz najbardziej Ahrefs?

The solution provides us with analytics and data on our website health and link profile that is accurate and up to date. The setup was easy and we use it daily. Have not reached out to them for support as the tool is intuitive and they have a great knowledge base. If you are focused on SEO, you will live in this tool.

Czego nie lubisz Ahrefs?

We have an older subscription which does not automatically update to the latest plan features.

Jakie są problemy Ahrefs rozwiązania i jakie korzyści z tego masz?

Accurate research on Domain Rank and link tracking and research. We also use the tool to monitor site health.

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Grudnia 10, 2023
Ogólna ocena:
Jim Z.
„Narzędzie wymagane, jeśli zajmujesz się SEO”
Co lubisz najbardziej Ahrefs?

Great at finding keywords to target. There are cheaper tools, but this is the best I have found for keyword research. It is also great at watching your websites and giving you a great analysis of how you are doing.

Czego nie lubisz Ahrefs?

It is expensive, especially for the number of times I use it each month. I wish they had another plan one tier lower.

Jakie są problemy Ahrefs rozwiązania i jakie korzyści z tego masz?

Keyword research, organic traffic analysis, domain rating, etc. It helps me see the SEO trends for my sites

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Grudnia 04, 2023
Ogólna ocena:
Awatar VS
"Najlepsze narzędzie audytu SEO"
Co lubisz najbardziej Ahrefs?

I have used many SEO analysis tools for many of my SEO projects but since last 1 year I have been using Ahrefs for all my SEO related activities like website analysis, keyword research, backlinks and more. And I found Ahrefs to be a wonderful tool for doing these tasks. I have fixed many of the errors I identified through this tool and it has really improved my website's SEO score.

Czego nie lubisz Ahrefs?

There is nothing that I don't like about this amazing software. They have all the features that a SEO tool should have.

Jakie są problemy Ahrefs rozwiązania i jakie korzyści z tego masz?

From SEO audit to backlink analysis, it helped in every aspect. Many of my projects now have improved organic presence after using Ahrefs.

Średni rynek (51-1000 szt.)
Listopada 12, 2023
Ogólna ocena:
Awatar Ghanshyama B
Ghanshyam B.
Programista serwera SQL
„Najlepsze parametry narzędzia SEO do szczegółowego badania”
Co lubisz najbardziej Ahrefs?

Ahrefs's backlink analyzing feature is one of its strongest points. I can see which websites are linking to mine, which websites are linking to my competitors, and which websites are broken on my site. Thanks to this, I was able to locate fresh Zaletypects for bolstering my website's authority through link development.

Czego nie lubisz Ahrefs?

One of my primary gripes with Ahrefs is the price you have to pay to use their service. It is possible that some new businesses and individuals won't be able to afford it.

Jakie są problemy Ahrefs rozwiązania i jakie korzyści z tego masz?

Ahrefs helped me find new backlink opportunities, optimize my website's content for profitable keywords, and measure my website's performance versus my competition. I can make data-driven judgments and increase my website's search engine ranking using its extensive data and insights.

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Listopada 07, 2023
Ogólna ocena:
Awatar Jeana LI
Jean LI
Specjalista ds. zasięgu / Va
"Ahrefs Recenzja"
Co lubisz najbardziej Ahrefs?

All the features on Ahrefs I like the most

Czego nie lubisz Ahrefs?

nothing, all features are the best and work for me

Jakie są problemy Ahrefs rozwiązania i jakie korzyści z tego masz?

Ahrefs solve my backlink research and Zaletypecting

Średni rynek (51-1000 szt.)
Październik 30, 2023
Ogólna ocena:
Basher O.
Lider zespołu Seo
„Moje 8-letnie doświadczenie w używaniu Ahrefs Narzędzie"
Co lubisz najbardziej Ahrefs?

My very first website in my office is opening Ahrefs and checking our service pages traffic. It has become my handy tool to do competitor analysis for finding potential key terms for the B2B and B2C.

Czego nie lubisz Ahrefs?

I would like to mention negatives about Ahrefs: The credit system has been difficult for me to ensure my search never go vain. Each and everytime, I have to check it and make a decision. So, if you could remove it. It would be better to freely access your database.

Jakie są problemy Ahrefs rozwiązania i jakie korzyści z tego masz?

Before this tool used to be the best in terms of finding competitors backlinks. Now, I am totally working on topical authority based. So, backlinks is of no use in my case. But, the keywords explorer section is of my HELP. I am greatful for this wonderful features. Also, the link oppurtunities section is the new one that is helpful me to find the exact anchor text to link in my internal articles.

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Październik 25, 2023
Ogólna ocena:
Awatar Johna S
John S.
„Potencjalnie najlepsze dostępne narzędzie SEO”
Co lubisz najbardziej Ahrefs?

Ahrefs plays a crucial role in my marketing tasks, simplifying the search for high-traffic, reputable domains that meet our requirements. I also can perform competitor analysis and find a domain's top-performing pages.

Czego nie lubisz Ahrefs?

It is SO extensive that it can be a bit hard to get your grasp on it at first. Luckily, they provide a vast majority of educational content

Jakie są problemy Ahrefs rozwiązania i jakie korzyści z tego masz?

Ahrefs helps us to analyze competitors' domains and their top pages. Also, it helps us to find backlink opportunities.

Przedsiębiorstwo (> 1000 pracowników)
Września 27, 2023
Ogólna ocena:
Junela W.
„Dzięki Zaletype typowanie stało się łatwiejsze Ahrefs"
Co lubisz najbardziej Ahrefs?

Ahrefs is really helpful in finding article contents with reputable domain ratings with high traffics. As a marketer, I am tasked to find domains in this criteria to connect to. With Ahrefs, it's easier to find them and how they rank among it's competitors using oganic competitors. I love how you can find the top pages of a domain as well.

Czego nie lubisz Ahrefs?

I think the least helpful tool for me in Ahrefs are the ones under the Paid search. This is only because we are more focused on finding competitors and Zaletypects that grow sites organically.

Jakie są problemy Ahrefs rozwiązania i jakie korzyści z tego masz?

It is helpful in analyzing the top pages from our competitors globally. Ahrefs has been a vital in our link building project so far.

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Września 24, 2023
Ogólna ocena:
Awatar Francisco de Paula S
Francisco De Paula S.
Twórca stron internetowych
"Ahrefs jest niesamowity i niezbędny dla SEO, świat SEO byłby inny bez niego”
Co lubisz najbardziej Ahrefs?

Its a difficult to choose since really the site explorer gives you all the information you need on competitor, the keywords that you should go for, rerlasted words, automatically detects the competition, its quite a thin really.

Czego nie lubisz Ahrefs?

Dont see any downside to ahrefs other than the fact they do put shiny bells and whistles on feastures that are not included in the lower plans, but that alright Im sure one day an enterprise account will be within my grasp

Jakie są problemy Ahrefs rozwiązania i jakie korzyści z tego masz?

SEO keyword research is now for me a whole new world, really changed my perspective seeing every sites ranking since one might be surfing the web unaware that you are in a powerhouse SEO site ,they seem so harmeless sometimes.

Przedsiębiorstwo (> 1000 pracowników)
Września 22, 2023
Ogólna ocena:
Awatar Nitina R
Nitin R.
Wiceprezydent Seo
„Fantastyczne oprogramowanie do pracy z projektami SEO”
Co lubisz najbardziej Ahrefs?

Ahrefs is very good to start with SEO projects as it gives all the detailes of any website by just putting its domain name under backlink profile, Organic search details and paid details in one go and compare organic traffic with competitors on the fly. I can easily found the top pages of any website which can help in devising the content strategies for our websites. Another feature I like is Keyword Explorer which provides the keyword with its difficulty and click ratio. Click ratio is very important for us its the true metric which makes us understand to make it primary or secondary keyword.

Czego nie lubisz Ahrefs?

There are not as such downsides of using the Ahrefs but the product can be improved by integrating AI to create articles or its outline when you doing keywords research.

Jakie są problemy Ahrefs rozwiązania i jakie korzyści z tego masz?

Ahrefs is solving our problems in following ways: 1) Finding the competitors backlinks for adding them in our outreach program. 2) Expansion of Keywords. 3) Audit of website to see how we are performing. 4) Tracking our rankings on Mobile and Desktop seperately

Średni rynek (51-1000 szt.)
Września 07, 2023
Ogólna ocena:
Awatar Rihanta K
Rihant K.
Starszy współpracownik
"Doskonały Ahrefs - Zmiana zasad gry w SEO!!!`"
Co lubisz najbardziej Ahrefs?

Ahrefs tool has helped us a lot like competitor analysis, backlink analysis, and website audit for technical SEO to improve our online visibility and organic search rankings.

Czego nie lubisz Ahrefs?

There is nothing to dislike in this tool. This is the best analysis tool I ever use.

Jakie są problemy Ahrefs rozwiązania i jakie korzyści z tego masz?

Ahrefs solves many critical problems such as indepth keyword research, website technical audit, content planning and rank tracking.

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Sierpnia 31, 2023
Ogólna ocena:
Awatar Shivama A
Shivam A.
Menedżer treści w Ai Sensy
„Najbardziej kompletne narzędzie do monitorowania SEO”
Co lubisz najbardziej Ahrefs?

Ahrefs is very underrated given that it has every feature needed to track SEO including keywords, backlinks, page authority and so on. It is a complete SEO performance monitoring tool that helps us analyze our shortcomings in the website SEO and rectify the errors.

Czego nie lubisz Ahrefs?

There's not much to dislike in this software except for the fact that at times it feels difficult locating a particular feature given it has so many features in one place.

Jakie są problemy Ahrefs rozwiązania i jakie korzyści z tego masz?

We use Ahrefs to track the entire SEO health of our website and see if there are any shortcomings in the page. We also use it to do a comprehensive site audit to know more on website health and where to improve.

Średni rynek (51-1000 szt.)
Sierpnia 28, 2023
Ogólna ocena:
Awatar Rahula J
Rahul J.
Strateg marketingu cyfrowego
„Najlepsze i najdokładniejsze narzędzie SEO dla marketerów cyfrowych na rynku”
Co lubisz najbardziej Ahrefs?

I find Ahrefs incredibly helpful. Its accurate information keeps me on top of website errors, tracks my keyword rankings, and suggests content-enhancing keywords. It's an all-in-one tool that works perfectly for my needs.

Czego nie lubisz Ahrefs?

I've seen Ahrefs sticking to domain scores, even though Google doesn't care much about them. The count of referring domains isn't always accurate because it includes links that don't matter anymore. Also, it's a bit pricey and you don't get too many search Credit. That could be better.

Jakie są problemy Ahrefs rozwiązania i jakie korzyści z tego masz?

It helps me by solving a range of problems. Ahrefs gives me accurate info about website errors and keyword rankings. It suggests great keywords for my content. Although Google may not agree, domain scores indicate my site's strength. However, the cost is a bit high, and searches are limited. Overall, it's beneficial for improving my website.

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Czerwiec 07, 2023
Ogólna ocena:
Awatar Sanjaya G
Sanjay G.
Strategia treści szefa
„Jedno z najlepszych w historii narzędzi SEO dla marketerów cyfrowych”
Co lubisz najbardziej Ahrefs?

Well, there's quite a bit to admire about this comprehensive SaaS tool, but let me break it down into chunks to explain better. First off, Ahrefs makes keyword research incredibly smooth and straightforward. I mean, I can look up any keyword, and within seconds, I get a well-rounded view of its search volume, keyword difficulty, and even the potential click-through rates. Plus, the Keyword Explorer tool dives deep, offering related keywords, phrases, and questions that are being asked around that topic. So, it's not just about finding a keyword; it's about understanding the entire ecosystem around it. Next, the content gap analysis feature is nothing short of brilliant. I can easily find out what keywords my competitors are ranking for that I'm not, which helps me figure out what content I need to produce next. It's like having a roadmap to winning the SEO game! Moving onto site audits - wow! I've never seen such an in-depth yet easy-to-understand breakdown of my website's health. From performance issues to broken links, from security issues to content quality, Ahrefs' site audit tool gives me a detailed report, with suggestions for fixes. It's almost like having a personal SEO Wadyultant! Speaking of which, the 'Top Pages' feature is like a crystal ball. I can see the top-ranking pages for my domain and even those of my competitors. This gives me a glimpse into what's working and what isn't, helping me devise an effective strategy. The 'number of keywords ranking' feature is another gem. It's really fascinating to watch the number of my keywords climbing up the Google ladder. Plus, the detailed metrics, including the position history, give me a good sense of how my SEO efforts are paying off over time. Finally, I cannot not mention the backlink profile. This tool is excellent for checking the quality and quantity of backlinks both for my website and my competitors'. Seeing the link growth over time, the top referring domains, and the overall backlink profile helps me fine-tune my link-building strategies. So, overall, Ahrefs is a powerhouse of SEO tools that gives me a comprehensive view of my online presence and the direction I should head. I'd say it's like having a well-oiled, super-efficient SEO team at your fingertips!

Czego nie lubisz Ahrefs?

When it comes to areas where Ahrefs could improve, there are a couple of things that come to mind. Firstly, while I admire the wealth of data Ahrefs provides, I have noticed that the numbers sometimes don't align perfectly with Google Analytics. Of course, different tools have different data sources and algorithms, so some discrepancies are to be expected. But when there's a significant gap, it can be a bit disconcerting. It's like having two different compasses pointing slightly off from each other - which one do you follow? Another aspect of Ahrefs that's not my favorite is the pricing. Now don't get me wrong, I completely understand that you're getting a bunch of powerful tools all bundled into one platform. However, the cost can be a bit steep, especially for small businesses or freelancers who are just getting started with SEO. I think it would be awesome if Ahrefs could introduce some more affordable plans or even just a free trial to let users explore the platform before committing to a subscription. That said, even with these minor quibbles, I still believe Ahrefs is an incredibly valuable tool. It's not perfect, but when it comes to the sheer power and range of SEO features it offers, it's hard to beat. And hey, nothing's perfect, right? But overall, I'd say the Zalety far outweigh the Wady when it comes to Ahrefs.

Jakie są problemy Ahrefs rozwiązania i jakie korzyści z tego masz?

Alright, let's talk about the problems Ahrefs solves and how that's benefiting me. When it comes to keyword research, Ahrefs is an absolute game-changer. It's not just about finding keywords; it's about understanding their difficulty, search volume, and click potential. This insight has helped me craft content that's not only relevant to my audience but also stands a chance in the competitive world of SEO. It's like having a map to the treasure of organic traffic! Next, the content gap analysis feature. This tool lets me peek into my competitors' success stories. I can see what keywords they're ranking for, which I am not, and then strategize my content accordingly. It's not about copying; it's about learning from the best and adding my own unique spin to it. And the best part? It's data-driven. So, no guesswork, just pure, actionable insights. The site audit feature is like my personal health check tool for my website. It spots the issues that could be dragging my site's SEO performance down, from broken links to security issues. The benefit? I can fix these issues before they escalate, keeping my website healthy and Google-friendly. Then comes the 'Top Pages' feature. This tool helps me understand what's working, both for my site and my competitors'. It's like getting a sneak peek into the success mantra of top-performing pages. This insight has helped me fine-tune my own content strategy to create high-performing pages. The 'number of keywords ranking' feature is another problem-solver. It gives me a clear view of how many of my keywords are actually making it to Google's SERP and their respective positions. This has been really beneficial in tracking the impact of my SEO efforts and tweaking them for better results. Lastly, Ahrefs solves the backlink mystery. With its backlink profile tool, I can monitor the quality and quantity of my backlinks, understand the link growth, and even check out the top referring domains. This has helped me build a solid backlink strategy, focusing on quality over quantity. In a nutshell, Ahrefs is solving a myriad of SEO problems, helping me to make data-driven decisions and craft effective SEO strategies. The benefits? More organic traffic, better search engine rankings, and ultimately, more business growth. It's like having a personal SEO guru guiding me towards success.

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Czerwiec 07, 2023
Ogólna ocena:
Wedant K.
„Najpotężniejsze narzędzia do audytu SEO”
Co lubisz najbardziej Ahrefs?

I'm a free user of Ahrefs SEO Tool since my Startup can't afford to pay for the tool at the moment, but we are still offered 10,000 page limit/credits on the free tier, out of which quite a few are still left! Ahrefs is one of our main SEO Optimization Tools that we use, and it is the only one an agency, or a startup could ever need. It's awesome

Czego nie lubisz Ahrefs?

I dislike that there is no direct integration with No-code Tools like Webflow, Wix, etc, similar to how YoastSEO integrates directly with Wordpress to perform on-page optimization at the click of one button.

Jakie są problemy Ahrefs rozwiązania i jakie korzyści z tego masz?

Ahrefs is the only SEO solution my Startup requires, that too the only SEO solution offering 10,000 page scans/credits. We use this tool to SEO Audit our website, and then make the necessary improvements based on the suggestions given by Ahrefs. From Meta Title Optimizations, to lack of alt text for Images, Ahrefs detects all sorts of SEO issues

Średni rynek (51-1000 szt.)
23 maja 2023 r.
Ogólna ocena:
Awatar Allana N
Allan N.
Lider zespołu cyfrowego
„Standard branżowy dla SEO”
Co lubisz najbardziej Ahrefs?

Wealth of data available and Wadytant updates with new features

Czego nie lubisz Ahrefs?

Cennik, it is expensive! And they applied limits how many actions you can take per month. Generally, it is enough but sometimes you can run out if you have a larger project.

Jakie są problemy Ahrefs rozwiązania i jakie korzyści z tego masz?

Ahrefs offers a clear picture of how the business is performing online as well helping the team find opportunities online to grow the company being able to analyse competitors and use a keyword gap analysis to see what is missed.

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
08 maja 2023 r.
Ogólna ocena:
Hanu R. awatar
Hanu R.
Cyfrowy Marketer
"Używam ahrefs z ostatnich 5 lat”
Co lubisz najbardziej Ahrefs?

keywords research and bulk analysis is best tool for my use

Czego nie lubisz Ahrefs?

CPC estimate is not correct and also traffic estimate

Jakie są problemy Ahrefs rozwiązania i jakie korzyści z tego masz?

if the are tell me in keywords total results on google like semrush

Średni rynek (51-1000 szt.)
01 maja 2023 r.
Ogólna ocena:
Mike E.
"Ahrefs do codziennych badań SEO”
Co lubisz najbardziej Ahrefs?

The depth of the results. I use the DR, UR, Referring Domains and Do follow, Keyword Explorer, Organic Keywords and Top Pages,

Czego nie lubisz Ahrefs?

Times out too quickly. I Wadytantly have to sign back in while researching a project.

Jakie są problemy Ahrefs rozwiązania i jakie korzyści z tego masz?

I use it to help complete SEO audit for potential clients.

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Mar 02, 2023
Ogólna ocena:
Dhiraj W.
„Najlepsze narzędzie dla specjalistów ds. marketingu treści i SEO”
Co lubisz najbardziej Ahrefs?

Ahrefs is an essential tool for optimizing our search engine presence, providing detailed insights into search volume, SEO rankings, backlinks, and social shares that guide our business decisions. The Site Audit and Keyword Explorer tools are particularly effective in identifying our target keywords and evaluating our site's performance. Ahrefs is a crucial tool for digital marketing experts seeking to track keyword rankings and conduct keyword research with accurate data. The platform's comprehensive feature set and easy-to-use interface make it an ideal choice, with the backlink analysis feature especially valuable for competitor research. Even first-time users can quickly get up to speed with the tool's intuitive interface.

Czego nie lubisz Ahrefs?

Ahrefs is a versatile tool that enables you to monitor various aspects of your website's performance, including its health and linking structure. Although I don't have any negative feelings toward Ahrefs, I would appreciate being able to view keyword intent in the same manner as Semrush.

Jakie są problemy Ahrefs rozwiązania i jakie korzyści z tego masz?

With Ahrefs, we can quickly and thoroughly examine our rivals' linking strategies, enabling us to replicate their techniques and achieve favorable outcomes.