Bloomreach Commerce Experience Rozmycie tła w chmurze
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Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud
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Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud Recenzje i szczegóły produktu

Przegląd chmury Bloomreach Commerce Experience
Co to jest Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud?

Blloomreach to przyjazne dla użytkownika, intuicyjne i wydajne narzędzie do handlu e-mailowego. Oferuje bogaty w funkcje wybór łatwych w użyciu narzędzi, które łączą webhooki i scenariusze, które pozwalają użytkownikom łączyć się z dowolnym interfejsem API, aby mogli programowo przetwarzać dane.

Firma Bloomreach Inc.
Rok założenia 2009
Wielkość spółki Pracownicy 501-1000
Centrala Mountain View, Kalifornia, Stany Zjednoczone
Media społecznościowe
Kategorie w chmurze Bloomreach Commerce Experience wł Findstack
Logotyp Crevio
$ 29.00 / miesiąc
Crevio to platforma umożliwiająca twórcom sprzedaż produktów cyfrowych, usług, kursów i dostęp do innych treści trzeciej strony. Dowiedz się więcej o Crevio
Zadawaj pytania dotyczące chmury Bloomreach Commerce Experience
Do czego najlepiej nadaje się Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud?
Jak Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud wypada w porównaniu z Adobe Experience Manager?
Jakie są zalety i wady Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud?
Szczegóły produktu w chmurze Bloomreach Commerce Experience
Mały biznes
Średni rynek
Rozlokowanie Chmura / SaaS / Internet, komputer stacjonarny Mac, komputer stacjonarny z systemem Windows, lokalny system Linux
Obsługa klienta 24 godziny na dobę, 7 dni w tygodniu (przedstawiciel na żywo), czat, e-mail/pomoc techniczna, często zadawane pytania/forum, baza wiedzy, pomoc telefoniczna
Szkolenia Dokumenty
Języki Angielski
Funkcje chmury Bloomreach Commerce Experience
Testowanie A / B
Dostęp API
Analityka i raportowanie
Zarządzanie kampaniami
Cloud Hosting
Content Management
Platforma danych klienta
Mapowanie podróży klienta
Obsługa klienta
Konfigurowalne szablony
Cyfrowe Zarządzanie aktywami
Integracja e-commerce
Bezgłowy CMS
Możliwości integracji
Optymalizacja mobilna
Obsługa wielu języków
Dostawa wielokanałowa
Monitoring wydajności
Przetwarzanie danych w czasie rzeczywistym
Narzędzia SEO
Search Engine Optimization
Funkcje zabezpieczeń
Integracja z Mediami Społecznymi
Integracja z innymi firmami
Narzędzia do projektowania doświadczeń użytkownika
Role i uprawnienia użytkowników
Segmentacja użytkowników
Automatyzacja pracy
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Zrzuty ekranu z chmury Bloomreach Commerce Experience
Nasze badania pochodzą z różnych wiarygodnych źródeł i mają na celu zapewnienie ogólnych porad. Nie gwarantujemy, że nasze sugestie będą najlepsze w każdym przypadku użycia, więc Wadyider odpowiada na Twoje unikalne potrzeby przy wyborze produktów i usług. Zachęcamy do dzielenia się swoimi informacja zwrotna.
Ostatnia aktualizacja: February 18, 2025
Logo chmury Bloomreach Commerce Experience
543 Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud Opinie
4.7 na 5
Średni rynek (51-1000 szt.)
Luty 02, 2024
Ogólna ocena:
Hlengi K.
„Doświadczenie w korzystaniu z Bloomreach było świetne.”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud?

Personalization: Bloomreach enables businesses to deliver personalized experiences to their users based on user behavior, preferences, and other relevant data. Optimization: Bloomreach helps businesses optimize their digital experiences by analyzing user behavior, testing different variations, and identifying opportunities for improvement. Analytics and Insights: Bloomreach provides analytics and insights to help businesses understand user behavior, measure the performance of their digital experiences, and make data-driven decisions for optimization and personalization.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud?

Sometimes the documentation doesn't quite answer the questions that you have.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Bloomreach solves several critical business problems related to digital experience management, personalization, and optimization. As a business we weren't able to deliver personalised experience to our customers.Bloomreach helps solve this problem by providing tools and capabilities for personalization, allowing businesses to tailor content, product recommendations, and marketing messages to individual customer preferences and behaviors.

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Luty 01, 2024
Ogólna ocena:
Ai F.
„Przyjazna dla użytkownika platforma z doskonałą obsługą klienta!”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud?

What I like the most about Bloomreach is that it's user-friendly. I like that we can build scenarios by drag and drop. I found it easy to edit/make emails too. Intenally we had a training session for a few hours, and I could alrady start using the features after the session which was amazing. Sometimes, I struggle to understand terms in Bloomreach but there are excellent documentations that is easy to find the information I want. My favorite part when struggling is the live chat feature where we can communicate with Bloomreach professionals in no time and you get perfect answer every time. They are fast, knowledgeble and helpful that makes my journey with Bloomreach super positive!

Co Ci się nie podoba w Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud?

Since I'm Wadyidered as a beginner, sometimes it's difficult to understand the meaning of each term. And what each metric is for. I believe it just takes time in the beginning to get used to all of it and I know that they are willing to help with those questions so I'm not that worried.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

CRM email marketing that was high cost and set content. Bloomreach is benefitial both from the budget and user perspecvites.

Średni rynek (51-1000 szt.)
Jan 27, 2024
Ogólna ocena:
Sanjay S.
„Bloomreach: rozkwit handlu elektronicznego”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud?

It is a best platform to get fastest growth in this E-Commerce market

Co Ci się nie podoba w Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud?

It takes time but every good result takes time

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

First and the best it the marketing automation and second is E merchandising

Średni rynek (51-1000 szt.)
Jan 24, 2024
Ogólna ocena:
Wikas M.
„Automatyzacja marketingu”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud?

Variety of features Customer Support User friendly Ease of Integration

Co Ci się nie podoba w Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud?

Interruptions when created by import events

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Our various business departments use the platform to act proactively with existing customers and Zaletypects.

Średni rynek (51-1000 szt.)
Jan 23, 2024
Ogólna ocena:
Awatar Bena A
Ben A.
Analityk danych
„Bloomreach uwalnia potencjał CRM”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud?

Bloomreach is an extremely fluid system. Quick in response but has no shortage of potential avenues to explore. It is very intuitive and I feel I have learnt how to use the system quickly due to its usability, however there is plenty more to discover to help take my companies communications to the next level. The reporting is highly visual and it is straightforward to build powerful insights and segmentations that will drive our business forward.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud?

Some of the integrations with our business has a initial sticking point. Working in the holiday sector we refer to specific events that occur in the future at a certain point. Our emails have to refer to the specific events at a point in time which initially wasn't native to the platform. The team at bloomreach however have been extremely supportive and managed to use their aggregation to overcome this. They have also built a new group by function to enable us to look at the latest instance which is required for our business.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Developing a deep personalisation by creating unique communications in a wasn't use quick way.

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Jan 23, 2024
Ogólna ocena:
Katie H.
„Łatwy w obsłudze, mnóstwo funkcjonalności”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud?

It's a very visual platform which makes it easy to build CRM flows, recommendations, and emails. The customer support are super helpful and fast to respond.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud?

It can be quite difficult to edit HTML since the box is so small. I think this has recently been remedied though but it's still a bit buggy.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

It's helping us get the right products to the right customers with recommendations and segmentations. It's very smart and allows us to customise these recommendations down to a very granular level.

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Jan 12, 2024
Ogólna ocena:
Julio Z.
„Dobre wsparcie”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud?

platform easy to add ans integrate on the sites and manage

Co Ci się nie podoba w Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud?

Some documentation isn't clear maybe has more examples

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

For our customers/clients has a lot of benefits

Średni rynek (51-1000 szt.)
Jan 04, 2024
Ogólna ocena:
Henryk A.
Szef działu Crm i analityki
„Szybko, dokładnie i elastycznie”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud?

The tool is fast for processing data (real-time for many processes). This speed, combined with an intuitive interface, allows me to easily create great marketing and personalization orchestration on-site, in ads, and for email & SMS.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud?

There are some limitations for searchable fields in recommendations that impact my use of this feature, there are ways around it, but additional searchable fields would not hurt. There are also some limitations regarding downloading report data in csv format but nothing of fundamental importance.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Bloomreach enables us to produce a lot of more sophisticated marketing without needing a lot of staff to support it. It has also improved our personalization of site and email massively (segmented list pages, customer-specific recommendations and activation etc)

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Grudnia 14, 2023
Ogólna ocena:
Roman K
„Świetne narzędzie, łatwe w użyciu, świetne wsparcie”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud?

So many features and tools to create an experience for your customers. Also with possibility to modify, if you are experienced enough in JS, HTML, CSS,.... Great support, easy to use

Co Ci się nie podoba w Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud?

Bloomreach is not always ready for my crazy ideas :D

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Providing a tool to use with our clients to target their customers immediately on their journey and provide more personalized experience.

Średni rynek (51-1000 szt.)
Listopada 17, 2023
Ogólna ocena:
Elena G.
„Bloomreach to elastyczne i potężne narzędzie”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud?

The flexible way of creating segmentations and scenarios. We can in an easy way streamline our daily campaigns towards our customers. Another great thing about Bloomreach is that it's easy to integrate with other sources of information. The customer's support is always there to help or give tips if needed.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud?

Bloomreach is not a good tool for reporting or backtracking data. There are some functions but not to the extent of relying on the data.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

We save a lot of time executing campaigns as we can reuse scenarios and use our segmentations in various ways. Another benefit is that we can easily collaborate in Bloomreach across different departments.

Przedsiębiorstwo (> 1000 pracowników)
Listopada 15, 2023
Ogólna ocena:
Tara G.
„Marek jest świetnym wsparciem w pomaganiu w kwestiach/wątpliwościach Bloomreach”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud?

- interface - segmentaiton builds - scenario

Co Ci się nie podoba w Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud?

- building reports - voucher management

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

- understanding customr behaviour - marketing automation - targeting

Średni rynek (51-1000 szt.)
Listopada 13, 2023
Ogólna ocena:
Dana W.
„Świetny program”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud?

I've been working in Bloomreach for 5 weeks now and I have to say that it has lots of possibilities! I think I learned to make newsletters in the program within 2 weeks. So it is easy to learn and use! Our team makes up to 30 newsletters a week so this is important to us.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud?

Sometimes we have some trouble with saving when my collegue and I are working in the same scenario.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

More possibilities with data and segmentation

Przedsiębiorstwo (> 1000 pracowników)
Październik 31, 2023
Ogólna ocena:
Awatar Charlotte H
Charlotte H.
Stylista mody
„Bloomreach – najlepszy B2B”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud?

In comparison to other more dated platforms, Bloomreach is a breeze to use, and efficient. I use Bloomreach every day, and find it second nature, building emails, scenarios and reporting on customer engagement.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud?

Not that you often need help, the customer support chat can be a little exhasperating. On the odd occasion I've felt I've had to walk them through things when I need the solution and wondered which one of us works for Bloomreach haha. They are extremely friendly though.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

They make its exptremely easy to A/B test emails, and analyse the data afterwards. For example, with Bloomreach I can A/B test two emails, sending each to 20% of our customer database, and send the remaining 60% to the winner. Not all platforms can support this test.

Przedsiębiorstwo (> 1000 pracowników)
Październik 03, 2023
Ogólna ocena:
Wacław J.
Marketing Manager
„Potężne narzędzie marketingowe”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud?

The ability to manage the entire marketing from one place.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud?

Not supporting 2 apps for push notifications at once.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Managing multiple marketing tools is a history with moving to Bloomreach.

Przedsiębiorstwo (> 1000 pracowników)
Październik 02, 2023
Ogólna ocena:
Ondřej A.
Analityk danych
„Najlepsze narzędzie, które możesz dostosować do swoich potrzeb”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud?

Much options how you can tailormade and adjust to your business needs

Co Ci się nie podoba w Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud?

Slight limitations with data download from dashboards

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Replacing many tools and providing one in all solution

Średni rynek (51-1000 szt.)
Września 25, 2023
Ogólna ocena:
Michał N.
„Bloomreach jest kluczowym narzędziem dla naszej firmy”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud?

Data availability, speed at which we can access data, real-time segmentations. Overal ease of use.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud?

I miss better administration of scenarios, reports, expressions. It happens quite often that you create duplicate metrics with the same name. As a result you have hundreds of metric and it's really difficult to keep it clean and clear.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Bloomreach helps us to create a personalized customer journey for our users. We use BR in every possible touchpoint during user's journey. It helps us identify the customers and their preferences and then use this data to create a personalized communications with them.

Przedsiębiorstwo (> 1000 pracowników)
Września 14, 2023
Ogólna ocena:
Rogera J.
„Świetny zespół wsparcia świetnej platformy”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud?

Bloomreach is a great company that has a great platforms and a great support team that always answers at the convenient time and with thorough investigation of the issues

Co Ci się nie podoba w Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud?

I don't think there is anything i dislike of bloomreach and their solutions at this point in time. it's a great partner to work with and I'd recomend it to anyone

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Bloomreach is a centralized platform and vendor that helps achieve a 360 degree Wadyumer view in just one platform. it also helps my organization get the customer support that we deserve

Średni rynek (51-1000 szt.)
Września 06, 2023
Ogólna ocena:
Luiza E.
„Niezwykle potężna platforma martech, uwolnij swoją wyobraźnię”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud?

The support staff are tremendous! They're simply the best team you could hope to have in your back pocket. There's also tonnes of support materials, documentation, training and content to inspire. Brilliant to have access to all your customer engagement and sales data in one place.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud?

It's low code, so when it comes to the analytics, you don't have the freedom of a blank cell to create queries from scratch; there's a middle ground you have to get your brain into, but luckily the team are on hand at any time to help get you to where you need to be.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Customer understanding, marketing strategy and omnichannel customer lifecycle marketing

Średni rynek (51-1000 szt.)
Lipiec 18, 2023
Ogólna ocena:
Nadine F.
„Pomocna obsługa klienta”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud?

User friendly interface. Lots of support documentation and personal 1-1 support from the chat team.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud?

The reporting structure, although very powerful, can be quite difficult to use correctly. Some more out of the box set up reports (e.g Open/Click rates by week/month/camapign etc) would be really helpful, and would allow me to have more trust in the data i am reporting back to the business.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Bloomreach allows us to search through customer data easily and track new behaviours. It's been a useful tool to begin our CRM journey and begin implementing automated journeys and segmentations by customer data and behaviour.

Średni rynek (51-1000 szt.)
Lipiec 11, 2023
Ogólna ocena:
Rozalia D.
„Przyjazna dla użytkownika, wydajna platforma i dostępne wsparcie”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud?

Bloomreach is a highly regarded CRM platform known for its user-friendly interface, efficient features, and exceptional support. Its intuitive design makes it easy for users of all technical backgrounds to navigate the platform effortlessly. With a comprehensive suite of CRM functionalities, Bloomreach enables businesses to streamline processes, automate tasks, and make data-driven decisions. Furthermore, the platform's dedicated support team ensures prompt assistance, enhancing the overall user experience. For a CRM solution that combines usability, efficiency, and outstanding support, Bloomreach is the top choice.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud?

While Bloomreach is a feature-rich CRM platform, it does have a couple of downsides. One issue is the high volume of events generated, which can lead to data overload and require extra effort to manage and analyze. Additionally, Bloomreach has limited storage capacity if we want to be cost efficient, potentially posing challenges for businesses with extensive data or long-term storage needs with a limited budget. Despite these drawbacks, Bloomreach remains a powerful CRM solution, but users should be aware of these Wadyiderations and plan accordingly.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Bloomreach Commerce Experience Cloud i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Bloomreach solves key problems in customer relationship management, benefiting businesses in several ways: Streamlining customer interactions for improved efficiency and satisfaction. Generating and converting leads more effectively. Automating processes to increase productivity and resource allocation. Enabling data-driven decision making through customer data analysis. Enhancing customer support for timely and satisfactory resolutions. These solutions provided by Bloomreach help businesses optimize their CRM efforts, drive revenue growth, and improve overall customer satisfaction.