Rozmycie tła Bonsai
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Recenzje Bonsai i szczegóły produktu

Przegląd bonsai
Co to jest Bonsai?

Kompleksowy pakiet produktów Bonsai z inteligentną automatyzacją pozwala skupić się na pasji, a nie na papierkowej robocie. Bonsai integruje i automatyzuje każdy krok Twojej firmy, dzięki czemu działa bezproblemowo - od wniosku do sezonu podatkowego.

Firma Bonsai
Rok założenia 2016
Wielkość spółki Pracownicy 11-50
Centrala San Francisco, Kalifornia
Media społecznościowe
Kategorie Bonsai włączone Findstack
Logotyp Crevio
$ 29.00 / miesiąc
Crevio to platforma umożliwiająca twórcom sprzedaż produktów cyfrowych, usług, kursów i dostęp do innych treści trzeciej strony. Dowiedz się więcej o Crevio
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Szczegóły produktu Bonsai
Mały biznes
Rozlokowanie Chmura / SaaS / Internet, komputer stacjonarny Mac, komputer stacjonarny z systemem Windows, mobilny system Android, mobilny iPad, mobilny iPhone
Obsługa klienta 24 godziny na dobę, 7 dni w tygodniu (przedstawiciel na żywo), czat, e-mail/pomoc techniczna, często zadawane pytania/forum, baza wiedzy, pomoc telefoniczna
Szkolenia Dokumenty
Języki Angielski
Funkcje Bonsai
Procedury zatwierdzania
Ścieżka audytu
Automatyczne fakturowanie
Uzgodnienie bankowe
Przetwarzanie wsadowe
Zarządzanie klientami
Baza danych kontaktowych
Zarządzanie notami kredytowymi
Pola niestandardowe
Konfigurowalne szablony
Zarządzanie rabatami
Przechowywanie dokumentów
Płatności elektroniczne
Śledzenie wydatków
Integracja z oprogramowaniem księgowym
Historia faktur
Harmonogram faktur
Przypomnienia o opóźnionych płatnościach
Mobile Access
Obsługa wielu walut
Obsługa wielu języków
Eksport do pliku PDF
Płatności częściowe
Śledzenie płatności
Rozliczenie projektu
Płatności cykliczne
Raportowanie i analityka
Kontrola dostępu oparta na rolach
Obliczanie podatku
Śledzenie czasu
Media Bonsai
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Zrzuty ekranu Bonsai
Nasze badania pochodzą z różnych wiarygodnych źródeł i mają na celu zapewnienie ogólnych porad. Nie gwarantujemy, że nasze sugestie będą najlepsze w każdym przypadku użycia, więc Wadyider odpowiada na Twoje unikalne potrzeby przy wyborze produktów i usług. Zachęcamy do dzielenia się swoimi informacja zwrotna.
Ostatnia aktualizacja: February 15, 2025
Logo Bonsai
93 Bonsai Opinie
4.4 na 5
Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Luty 14, 2024
Ogólna ocena:
John C.
„Łatwa platforma fakturowania, szybka reakcja obsługi klienta”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Bonsai?

Quick and easy interface to create a customer profile or send out a contract for signature. Allows sample customer to get experience with how the contracts or invoicing works. Customer support is always quick to repsond. Either same day or the next.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Bonsai?

Does not have semi annual taxes. Takes a couple weeks for first couple of payouts which is a long time compared to other processors i've used.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Bonsai i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

This has time tracking, invoicing works well and able to set different types of contracts is really benenficial.

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Luty 11, 2024
Ogólna ocena:
Jason AD
„Bonsai jest bardzo korzystne”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Bonsai?

I love that Bonsai has all the resources I need and is very affordable.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Bonsai?

I wish there were more resources I could use.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Bonsai i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Client Management and organization

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Luty 08, 2024
Ogólna ocena:
Ariel P.
„Najlepsze rozwiązanie do fakturowania i zarządzania klientami online”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Bonsai?

We are a design as a service company, we need to manage several clients, invoicing and tracking payments, Bonsai has been our best solution for it.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Bonsai?

For now, everything works like it shoulhd

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Bonsai i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Managing invoices, accounting and payment solution

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Luty 07, 2024
Ogólna ocena:
Awatar Abby A
Abby A.
Freelance Graphic Designer
„Wreszcie to, czego szukałem!”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Bonsai?

A lot of softwares advertise being an all-in-one resource for freelancers, but, as a freelance designer myself, it was always missing something - until I came across Bonsai. It's minimal, affordable, and super user-friendly. It took me no time to completely set my business up for success compared to other platforms with it's contracts, invoices, taxes, and even tasks taken care of. When I had a question, Bonsai's support team was quick to respond and solve my problem. I use Bonsai every day and look forward to seeing my business grow with them!

Co Ci się nie podoba w Bonsai?

I would really like for Bonsai to further develop the task section or develop some kind of integration with Asana. The task section is helpful, but not entirely as advanced as others that I can do without a task management platform.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Bonsai i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Becoming a freelancer in 2024, I wanted a program that I could send proposals, invoices, and contracts, keep a record of my receipts and taxes, manage my clients, and keep time for those clients. Bonsai had that in one platform for me so that I didn't have to purchase 3-4 different programs. Although I wasn't originally looking for these things, Bonsai also had banking, forms, and task management which I have utilized since subscribing.

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Luty 07, 2024
Ogólna ocena:
Bryana J.
„Wspaniały, ale prosty CSM!”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Bonsai?

Bonsai is a simple way to create all of your forms, proposals, invoices and so much more all in the same place.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Bonsai?

I haven't come across anything about Bonsai that I dislike yet.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Bonsai i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Bonsai is one place online that allows me to onboard my clients, get a proposal too them, and invoice them and then they can pay for all of my services online through the Bonsai invoices.

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Luty 06, 2024
Ogólna ocena:
Karla C.
„Idealnie pasuje do mojego kreatywnego biznesu”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Bonsai?

I love so many things about Bonsai: the well-written contracts, the ability to add custom branding, the bank account, and bookkeeping features.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Bonsai?

When starting a new project, you have to backtrack to create a new client first. Sometimes I want to simply make an invoice for a new client - I wish whatever info I input on the invoice would automatically create a new client rather than having to do that first.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Bonsai i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Streamlined system for invoicing, contracts, and proposals. Business bank account to keep all my money in one place - and envelopes to separate out the funds for tax savings and payroll.

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Luty 06, 2024
Ogólna ocena:
Stephanie C.
Trener wykroczeń/stania na rękach
„Świetne dla freelancerów”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Bonsai?

Bonsai makes my work so much easier. It really helps you from start to finish with getting clients. I have never felt the need to Wadyider another invoicing tool because I love this one. I highly recommend!

Co Ci się nie podoba w Bonsai?

With the update the time tracking insights changed and I miss the old version. Other than that I have no compaints!

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Bonsai i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Bonsai helps me manage my projects and manage my income.

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Luty 06, 2024
Ogólna ocena:
Awatar Andrzeja M
Andrzej M.
„Najlepsze rozwiązania programowe!”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Bonsai?

I like it in its entirety. It's full service a covers a broad range of needs, but does so in a very intuitive manner. I moved my business over from Fbooks, and the data transfer was quick and easy and didn't lose a step. If I've had issues the support has been super helpful and quick, it's seriously impressive.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Bonsai?

I don't think they're charging in CDN dollars yet. As a Canadian I would like to pay in my own dollars not USA funny money as the exchange is brutal.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Bonsai i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

It covers a wide range a areas in one service. Previously I had about 3 software to do so.

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Luty 06, 2024
Ogólna ocena:
Bernie D.
„Niezbędnik dla niezależnych twórców”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Bonsai?

Bonsai has helped me organize my bussiness and speed up my workflows for every step of client and project management. The biggest benefit so far, is the time that has freed up for me to focus on designing.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Bonsai?

There are few downsides to this software. But with that said, I think the one thing that needs improving is Bonsai's time tracking features. It's a little clunky on desktop and I think there could be more features around it online as well.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Bonsai i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

It's speeding up all of my CRM duties that help bring in work as a freelancer. It's saved me countless hours on proposals and invoicing.

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
30 maja 2023 r.
Ogólna ocena:
Awatar Matta L
Matt L.
„Oszczędność czasu, prosto i wydajnie”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Bonsai?

I love the proposal templates, and being able to keep track of all my documents.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Bonsai?

When creating contracts, I wish some areas allowed for more customization.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Bonsai i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Saves me a lot of time, the templates make creating multiple documents easy. I like being able to keep track of my proposals, contracts and invoices.

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
18 maja 2023 r.
Ogólna ocena:
Denzel B.
"Naprawdę świetnie"
Co najbardziej lubisz w Bonsai?

It helps with taking payments and keeping all your clients in one place. I've been using them for a year now and so far their pricing is great and the features like contracts, forms and invoicing are great.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Bonsai?

Cash Card doesn't work well internationally

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Bonsai i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

It helps me take payments from clients that isn't able to use certain methods.

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Kwiecień 25, 2023
Ogólna ocena:
Scott F.
„Doskonałe śledzenie czasu i fakturowanie”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Bonsai?

I am a freelancer and do a lot of subcontracting jobs for different companies. Bonsai is the best app I have seen for creating tasks with notes and descriptions, collaborating with other users regarding those tasks, tracking time spent on each task, and then billing the company for said tasks in a hundred different ways.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Bonsai?

The only downside is that, depending on what you do, the premium packages can be a bit expensive, and the subscriptions don't let you pick 1 or 2 aspects of the program to use.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Bonsai i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Bonsai allows me to create and maintain a thorough task lists, collaboratively, with the team of my choosing, and then keep track of billing times down to the second. From there I can invoice said company using dozens of different criteria, send them an invoice, and even get payments online through Stripe or other payment services.

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
27 maja 2022 r.
Ogólna ocena:
Nick D.
Właściciel, dyrektor kreatywny
„Absolutnie najlepsze oprogramowanie do fakturowania i płatności dla freelancerów!”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Bonsai?

As a designer and small business owner, I have tried SO MANY invoicing and payment platforms. All of them claim to be the best for a variety of reasons. After switching to Bonsai I can safely say I finally found the best. Not only is their platform easy to use and user-friendly, but they automate helpful pieces of the payment process and my favorite part is you can charge your customer the CC processing fees. The money I save on processing fees alone MORE than covers my Bonsai subscription cost. It's a no-brainer.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Bonsai?

I'm not sure there is anything worth noting that I don't like at this point honestly.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Bonsai i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Reminding customers of their pending invoices is super helpful. But I think the main problem they solve for me is allowing me to charge my customers for the credit card fees. This allows me to get paid faster and the savings MORE than cover the cost of my Bonsai subscription so it's a win-win.

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Luty 22, 2022
Ogólna ocena:
Awatar Jessa J
Jess J.
Seo Wadyultant
„Ten, którego szukałem”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Bonsai?

The ease of creating proposals, contracts & invoices has saved me so much time. I love that you can add unlimited clients as I run a lot of audits at this stage of my business, and clients don't sign on to continue sometimes or come back in a few months/years, so I end up adding a bunch of clients - something that other systems charged per client. Also, I love the time tracking. Even internally to know how I'm tracking on projects has changed my business and how I integrate with humans I get to work with on projects or retainers. Sending out contracts and proposals and invoices that clients can sign right from their email has been amazing, and being able to do all that in 1 place without integrating three other things has been so wonderful. I genuinely have Bonsai completely integrated into my Wadyultation. Lastly, their support is fantastic.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Bonsai?

As a Canadian, the taxes section is not something I can use, and I've tried to attach my expenses through Bonsai. Still, the credit card I'm using doesn't connect to their 3rd party system, so I'm getting different credit cards and procedures to be able to connect better with them and be able to track my business with Bonsai.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Bonsai i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Using one system versus four also surfaces the metrics and pieces that I need for my Wadyultation. I'm more productive, and my performance in my business has increased because of using Bonsai.

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Luty 16, 2022
Ogólna ocena:
Awatar Daphné S
Daphne S.
Właściciel i profesjonalny trener
„Ratownik dla małych firm”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Bonsai?

It's easy to use and has just the right amount of functionalities for me as small business owner. The price is more than fair for the solution and the interface is nice to look at.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Bonsai?

Not being able to make changes on my notes from the Bonsai app, which would be excellent when on the go.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Bonsai i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

I have all my client details in one spot and was able to add custom information for each client that adapts perfectly to my business. I keep track of accounting, contracts and invoices all in the same platform.

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Jan 31, 2022
Ogólna ocena:
Ale M.
Projektant graficzny i dyrektor generalny
Co najbardziej lubisz w Bonsai?

I have only been using bonsai for three weeks now, and it has helped me organize my business way faster! I cannot believe that ORGANIZATION was one bonsai away!

Co Ci się nie podoba w Bonsai?

I would love to have more automation options.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Bonsai i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

MORE FREE TIME!!!! I get to have more time for my family and me because I keep track of everything faster than having like three programs with me to make everything that I do here

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Jan 28, 2022
Ogólna ocena:
Fernando A.
Projektant stron internetowych
„Hello Bonsai to pozycja obowiązkowa dla freelancerów zajmujących się projektowaniem stron internetowych!”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Bonsai?

Bonsai has everything that I need to run my freelance web design business. The program is easy to use, and their support is excellent. It has saved me countless hours, kept me organized, and made it simple to get paid + manage my finances.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Bonsai?

I think their white-label features could be a little bit better, but this isn't anything deal breaking for me. I would like to see custom domain functionalities for their white label users.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Bonsai i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Problems that Bonsai has helped me solve: - Getting paid on time - Keeping my leads and clients organized - Gathering information efficiently via forms + automation - Keeping my income and expenses organized - and more! This tool has everything you need to run a freelance business.

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Jan 20, 2022
Ogólna ocena:
Alex R.
„Tak dobrze, że prawie doprowadziłem mnie do łez”.
Co najbardziej lubisz w Bonsai?

The ability to have contracts, questionnaires, and client portals alongside my time tracking and invoicing features.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Bonsai?

Lack of ability to track income from linked bank account.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Bonsai i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

I'm able to simplify my tax preparation and spend less time on bookkeeping.

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Jan 14, 2022
Ogólna ocena:
Sara C.
Niezależny autor treści
„Przekształciłem moją firmę”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Bonsai?

I like the automation factors. It used to take me a while to put together invoices, send them out, monitor if they were paid and what I'm getting paid... Then there were the separate contracts and proposals that weren't uniform. Having the templates there makes it super easy to get all of them done in just a few minutes (or set on recurring). I also love being able to draft invoices, see what's outstanding, and what's been paid. Automated reminders to my clients also saves me a ton, and if I want to nudge them even more I basically just push one button. Overall, I just love that it saves me so much time.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Bonsai?

What I wish Bonsai had was the ability to add intake forms to my client profiles- not stuff that they have to fill out themselves, but forms I can fill out while I'm doing a call with them. I also wish I could import forms from my website, say if I were to have an intake form with information about how they found me. Another thing I wish it had was adding up my incoming income, as in, if I make a bunch of drafts that'll be sent out when the project is complete, i'd love to see what all of that adds up to rather than calculating it myself. Projecting my income would be super helpful.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Bonsai i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

As a freelancer, I really don't have a lot of time, and keeping things looking professional and streamlined (like I have a real process), helps me stand out to my clients but also just helps me stay organized, as well as speeds up a lot of my processes (like intake and onboarding).

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Jan 02, 2022
Ogólna ocena:
Awatar Johna L
John L.
Social Media Specialist
„Przegląd Bonasiego”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Bonsai?

Bonasi makes it incredibly easy to create, edit, and send proposals and contracts. What would have taken me countless hours of research, copying and pasting from other online sources, took mere minutes with their easy to use contract templates. The overall UI is clean and simplified making it easy for me to see what payments I have due and what contracts and other documents need signing.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Bonsai?

The automation is fairly basic compared with other similar software like HoneyBook. Not that I need too much automation as I only have a few clients, but that type of functionality would be nice in future updates. I also don't like that the forms option is restricted to the top payment tier.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Bonsai i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

It's helping me streamline and simplify proposals and contracts that I send to my clients. It helps me see everything in one place which makes my life so much easier as a freelancer just starting out!