Close to kompleksowe oprogramowanie CRM, które pozwala użytkownikom zarządzać relacjami z klientami i potencjalnymi klientami. Platforma oferuje funkcje automatyzacji sprzedaży, które mogą wspierać działania związane z generowaniem leadów i wewnętrznymi procesami sprzedaży. Close ułatwia również komunikację z potencjalnymi klientami i ich pielęgnowanie. Zapewniając użytkownikom scentralizowane narzędzie do generowania potencjalnych klientów, użytkownicy mogą zdefiniować usprawniony proces sprzedaży, który z łatwością zorganizuje Twój zespół i strumienie pracy.
Możliwości |
Segment |
Rozlokowanie | Chmura / SaaS / Internet, komputer stacjonarny Mac, komputer stacjonarny z systemem Windows, mobilny system Android, mobilny iPad, mobilny iPhone |
Obsługa klienta | 24 godziny na dobę, 7 dni w tygodniu (przedstawiciel na żywo), czat, e-mail/pomoc techniczna, często zadawane pytania/forum, baza wiedzy, pomoc telefoniczna |
Szkolenia | Dokumenty |
Języki | Angielski |
Our team adopted Close several months ago, and I like it more each day. It is super intuitive, so the learning curve was pretty much a straignt line. I work in a busy environment where every day is different, and I love knowing that Close is babysitting my most important 'Things to Do' list. The ability to receive and follow-up on phone calls as well as email through the system is great. I also love having a full chain of client corresponcence on one side of my screen, and the progress through our system on the other. Reminder messages are super important as well. Thanks!
The only thing I don't have (and that is VERY possibly because I haven't done a deep enough dive, or because it is the way that my company has modified the system) is more classification of my customers.
Keeping track of my clients and all of my interactions with them. I love being able to go back and easily see where I am with information shared or requested.
The accessibilty is phenomenal. I am able to organize my tasks, files, and notes to be able to successfully and effeciently do my work in finance. I can also see this to be very useful in various industries as well, especially remote workers. Would reccommend any company to use CLOSE within their work atmosphere.
Nothing I dislike about CLOSE. It is a very good CRM.
Close solves the problem that I previously had involving organization and allows me to close deals frequently due to the layout effeciency.
Using Close allows me to keep all of my communitcations with customers and leads extremly organized so that I can work efficinetly as possible. The ease of implementing automated workflows and integrating other softwares creates for a very profecient tool that I use everyday!
I have yet to run into any downsides to Close. It's fantastic!
Close is allowing me to organize and automate my communications so that I can be the most efficient.
Easy to handle, the ai summary, the possibility to record calls and the overview.
Can't think of anything. It has everything a crm needs and it is the best one I ever used. Maybe a better check mechanism if Leads are double.
Helps me to see my leads, costumers, follow up. Saves a lot of time if I compare it to an excel sheed or other crms.
I love so many features of Close, hard to get it down to the best ones. If I had to choose it's that it's so easy and intuitive to use and, makes life so much easier and stress-free, knowing the information we need is at our fingertips.
I don't dislike anything, especially with the recent upgrades that have been put in place for the level of account we have.
It solved capturing information, categorizing our leads, and making sure we have what we need all in one place to follow up, follow up, follow up!
The user interface and the integration with GSuite.
Even though we have Salesforce, many of our sales team prefer Close. We wish Close would increase scalability for large enterprises.
Leads follow-up is easy to manage and even phone calls are included in customer history.
I've been using Close CRM for our sales team, and it has truly transformed the way we manage our leads and close deals. The user-friendly interface makes it easy for everyone on the team to navigate and stay organize. Here are the Zalety i think Close CRM can provide: Efficient Lead Management, Email Automation, Communication Tracking, Integration and Customization, Analytics and Reporting Tools.
A bit of learning curve for new users, but it is truly a user-friendly tool and the support documentation is very helpful.
Helping me making calls, track calls, track emails.
love the smart views, its a great way to keep track of leads and team activities. We got up and running fast, very easy to impliment. Custopmer support is fast! Im on close all day everyday! Lots of easy integrations. I use this frequently.
tbeing able to hifde things from the team so its not in their face, like custum fields.
managing a large sales team and keepiing track of our leads.
As someone who never had an experience in dealing with CRMms, close was by far the simplest learning process Also, the customization aspects of Close are incredible. The features offered are so helpful and unique.
Here and there, calls do end up failing.
Close is solving the major problem of call recording. This is beneficial as it allows for me to reflect and listen to calls with clients whenever need be.
I get this utilitarian feeling from Close CRM that makes me think of Apple's simple design philosophy. It's more important to finish the task efficiently than to seem impressive. Making calls with Close CRM is like walking in the park when I'm in the zone; it's a simple interface that performs its job without any flashy bells and whistles. Checking activities ensures that I don't have to search around for important information because it's right there, simple, and upfront. Close CRM isn't the most glamorous option, but its practicality and ease of use are what make it my first choice for managing issues without needless complication.
Might not be the best thing for bigger organizations, it's not as complex
For a smaller staff like ours, the platform's simplicity is a blessing because it streamlines procedures and reduces the learning curve for new users. The smooth integration of call features improves our ability to communicate with others and is Wadyistent with our mission to maintain simplicity in our day-to-day operations.
Ability to make calls simply and manuever leads fast
Only been using it a month or so, haven't found any dislikes yet. Oh, sometimes the smart views aren't as accurate as they could be.
Allows me to call, text and store info on leads easily.
Simplicity as things are connected. The way you calling system is with the crm
The workflow can have more options The texts template doesn't have attachment making it a must to manually send all text with pictures
Having both calling and crm in one spot
- Ease of use - Everything you need without anything unecessary - Calling is amazing - Reporting is easy - Main page on an account has everything you need to know, quickly at a glance
- Not as much reporting cusotmziation as some competitors
Generating more business, closing deals, tracking opportunities, checking activity.
It's very easy to use with intuitive interface. It covers all our needs: managing investors pipeline, managing relatioships with customers and partners. Very easy to sort infromation, quickly find leads and contacts, integrate with emails, etc.
Absense of some small but usefull features. For example, editing of meeting notes by several people, sorting leads by cutom fields, etc.
Effective management of communication with investors, customers and partners. Also managing statuses of opportunities (sales pipeline).
It's connections with other apps, it's AI transcription system and report logic is awesome.
Smart views are not so smart, but they work.
Massive calling, texting, e-mailing.
Close smoothly integrates our emails, allocates tasks to the correct people, helps keep SOP's effectively, as well as expedites the onboarding process. Implementation of any new SOP is quick and easy. Customer support is prompt and helpful. Integrating is easy Using the app is incredibly easy as well making me frequently be on top of what is necesssary.
Email templates are simple yet extremely effective. Task assigning. Pipeline tracking APP!!
Having an all in one platform that carries alll the essential tools for closing clients, keeping track of pipelines, and assinging tasks.
Everything is in one place, super user-friendly, streamlined, great for taking notes, calling, and texting!
Nothing - I would love a tutorial in the beginning to get started but everything was intuitive
1. Lead management 2. CRM Note-Taking
My team has used many CRM's and 100% CLOSE is by far our favorite. It's user interface is AWESOME. Very simple to setup, great support, simple to integrate with other tech, LOVE the dashboards and contact profiles. They made it SO simple to connect email and get a number to text from. Also, its awesome you can use one number and your group can all use it! All the menu's are well designed and easy to navigate. Well done guys!
Honestly havent found a downside. Absolutly love it.
Problems solved: Ease of use, simple, fast to setup, love the email integration, great resources, great support. Organized and simple to build workflow. My team loves it.
Ability to create SmartViews - smart selection of lead data using an extremely useful set of filters, and then use for calling, emailing, SMS, etc. Ability to have amazing reporting that makes understanding sales activity and opportunities 100x better than in other CRMs. Great UX/UI - Close CRM can be used out of the box and customized by sales and sales managers. There is no need to pay for sales developers, like in Salesforce or Pipeline CRMS. Great email customer support - responses in 10-15 minutes
This is more what I want to see in Close CRM: 1) Full reporting capabilities should be available at lower tiers 2) Ability to rotate phone numbers during the calling 3) Full integration with Linked In, especially having LinkedIn messages in CRM and running campaigns, sales navigator integration 4) Easy capability to merge and unmerge contacts of the lead 5) Ability to track URL clicks in emails - very important
Enabling better sales and sales management efficiency Tracking of missing sales calls and email followups Email automation using drip sequences Integrated and automated calls
What sold me on Close is the dialer system. It actually lets you know when a number is not in service or has blocked my line. This is very helpful because at the end of my dial session, I can manually dial a lead from my cell phone and make a connection or I can look up their actual phone number and update their contact. Close is very easy to navigate , create client follow ups and even upload leads that I can merge lists together with ease. This is the main purpose for me using this system. It actually does so much more but I've not taken the time to learn all aspects of the services included. I would definitely reccomend to my collegues.
There is a funnel system you can setup to track sales and the process your leads are in but I haven't had the time to figure this out. It looks like you can also send mass emails but again, I think I just need time to figure out how to use all the capabilities. I wish I could send a mass text to all my leads to save time but it's not a feature.
Close helps me get through my dials in half the time it would take me to manually dial leads. It helps keep me organized and I always know what my follow up plan is for the next day.