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Findstack jest bezpłatna dla użytkowników, ponieważ dostawcy płacą nam, gdy otrzymują ruch w sieci i możliwości sprzedaży. Findstack katalogi zawierają listę wszystkich dostawców — nie tylko tych, którzy nam płacą, dzięki czemu możesz podjąć najlepszą możliwą decyzję o zakupie.
Findstack oferuje obiektywne i kompleksowe porównania, które pomogą Ci znaleźć najlepsze oprogramowanie. Możemy otrzymać opłatę za polecenie, gdy odwiedzisz dostawcę za pośrednictwem naszych linków. ZOBACZ WIĘCEJ

Recenzje Driftu i szczegóły produktu

Przegląd dryfu
Co to jest dryf?

Drift to oparta na chmurze platforma czatu na żywo, przesyłania wiadomości w aplikacji i zarządzania pocztą e-mail, która Wadyoliduje krytyczne funkcje dla zespołów sprzedaży i marketingu. Platforma oferuje konfigurowalne widżety czatu na żywo, śledzenie e-maili po porzuconych czatach, historie rozmów, automatyzację kampanii e-mailowych oraz chatbota opartego na sztucznej inteligencji. Wśród jego kluczowych funkcji znajdują się komunikaty Drift w aplikacji, które są skierowane do klientów za pomocą przejęć na całą stronę i komunikatów typu slidersages. Użytkownicy mogą również tworzyć zautomatyzowane kampanie e-mailowe z różnymi wyzwalaczami, na potrzeby wdrażania klientów, zapobiegania rezygnacji i nie tylko.

Firma, Inc.
Rok założenia 2015
Wielkość spółki Pracownicy 201-500
Centrala Boston, MA, USA
Media społecznościowe
Kategorie driftu włączone Findstack
Logotyp Crevio
$ 29.00 / miesiąc
Crevio to platforma umożliwiająca twórcom sprzedaż produktów cyfrowych, usług, kursów i dostęp do innych treści trzeciej strony. Dowiedz się więcej o Crevio
Zadawaj pytania na temat Driftu
Do czego najlepiej nadaje się Drift?
Jak Drift wypada w porównaniu z ActiveCampaign for Marketing?
Jakie są zalety i wady Driftu?
Szczegóły produktu Drift
Mały biznes
Średni rynek
Rozlokowanie Chmura / SaaS / Internet, mobilny Android, mobilny iPad, mobilny iPhone
Obsługa klienta 24 godziny na dobę, 7 dni w tygodniu (przedstawiciel na żywo), czat, e-mail/pomoc techniczna, często zadawane pytania/forum, baza wiedzy, pomoc telefoniczna
Szkolenia Dokumenty
Języki Angielski
Funkcje driftu
24 / 7 Obsługi Klienta
Testowanie A / B
Chatboty zasilane przez AI
Odpowiedzi automatyczne
Przekazanie bota do człowieka
Integracja CRM
Przekierowywanie czatu
Śledzenie konwersji
Niestandardowe skrypty
Niestandardowe przepływy pracy
Zbieranie opinii klientów
Segmentacja klientów
Konfigurowalny interfejs czatu
Kampanie kroplowe
Integracja z e-mail marketingiem
Kwalifikacje ołowiu
Punktacja ołowiu
Czat na żywo
Optymalizacja mobilna
Komunikacja wielokanałowa
Obsługa wielu języków
Przetwarzanie języka naturalnego (NLP)
Spersonalizowane wiadomości
Proaktywny czat
Zarządzanie rurociągiem sprzedaży
Planowanie spotkań
Integracje z innymi firmami
Śledzenie zachowań użytkowników
Śledzenie odwiedzających
Media dryfujące
Dryf 0
Dryf 1
Dryf 2
Dryf 3
Dryf 4
Zrzuty ekranu z driftu
Nasze badania pochodzą z różnych wiarygodnych źródeł i mają na celu zapewnienie ogólnych porad. Nie gwarantujemy, że nasze sugestie będą najlepsze w każdym przypadku użycia, więc Wadyider odpowiada na Twoje unikalne potrzeby przy wyborze produktów i usług. Zachęcamy do dzielenia się swoimi informacja zwrotna.
Ostatnia aktualizacja: February 16, 2025
Logo dryfu
1,081 Drift Opinie
4.4 na 5
Średni rynek (51-1000 szt.)
Grudnia 14, 2022
Ogólna ocena:
Sam I. awatar
Sam I.
Dyrektor ds. możliwości sprzedaży
„Solidne rozwiązanie, które nie powoduje złożoności spowalniającej pracę”.
Co najbardziej lubisz w Drifcie?

The team at Drift is hands down one of the best I have worked with. They are incredibly proactive in their approach to making sure you find success with the solution. The tool is the best I have seen in the market, and no one else is close.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Drifcie?

The reporting functionality still leaves a bit to be desired. I would like to see that continue to be enhanced so that it is easy to gain quick insights and provide feedback to stakeholders.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Drift i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Drift is providing us with additional channel communication, which is something the marketplace desires. They also offer integration with CRM so that we can automate processes and quickly get people to the right internal resource to best serve them.

Średni rynek (51-1000 szt.)
Grudnia 08, 2022
Ogólna ocena:
Schylać się.
Przedstawiciel ds. Rozwoju biznesu
„Prostota w najlepszym wydaniu”.
Co najbardziej lubisz w Drifcie?

What is most helpful about drift is that it is simple and easy to use. It did not take me long to figure out how it works and how it can help me more with my day-to-day tasks. It has helped me so much with my job responsibility, which is booking meetings at the end of the day. I can contact people interested in learning more, and it connects people who would have no idea they were interested without using drift. Drift has proven helpful repeatedly, and I know my coworkers can say the same. They have also had tremendous success using the platform, and I noticed that those who spend more time on Drift are more successful in their current role. It has been a massive part of why our company has been so successful as of late and is an irreplaceable software. I recommend Drift to any business looking to increase their insights and get a better understanding of their demographic and connect with them.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Drifcie?

That is tough to say because I have only found it beneficial to my work and day-to-day life. I have never really had any problems, and it has always proven helpful. I think there might be some super small things that could be tweaked, but honestly nothing comes to mind for myself. I myself have had an incredible experience using Drift and I would not change it for the world.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Drift i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Drift gives me a more advanced insight on what types of businesses are looking at our product and our gaining interest. It has proven to help us book meetings over and over again, which is the primary responsibility for my position. I cant state it again how crucial Drift has been in my success as of lately. Being able to get better insights on my business and those who are interested is what helps drive more business to my organization.

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Grudnia 02, 2022
Ogólna ocena:
Anees A.
Dyrektor PPC
„Najlepsze narzędzie do czatu internetowego!”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Drifcie?

The UI is in intuitive to get your head around if you're not familiar with chat tools. The support team is always on hand to help out with any issues and are easy to work with.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Drifcie?

So far we haven't come across any issues when using Drift. Any queries we've had, the support team has reached out to help us achieve our conversion goals.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Drift i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Drift has helped us to engage with potential leads that are coming through our multiple channels. It has also helped us to know which landing pages are performing the best.

Średni rynek (51-1000 szt.)
Grudnia 02, 2022
Ogólna ocena:
Sabina D.
Starszy Przedstawiciel ds. Rozwoju Konta
„Pomógł zarezerwować wiele spotkań w tym kwartale”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Drifcie?

Super easy to connect to costumers who are actively looking to buy our product. We can connect with them instantly! It has helped me and my team book many meetings throughout the year and get them into a quick evaluation.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Drifcie?

There can sometimes be spam but that's anywhere

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Drift i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Helps connect to potential customers quick and helps with quota!

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Grudnia 01, 2022
Ogólna ocena:
Bogdan P.
Menadżer konta
„Fajnie i produktywnie”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Drifcie?

The one thing I like at Drift is that it has a friendly interface and is easy to use due to the similarities of social media messaging apps that we use day to day.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Drifcie?

At the moment, to be fair, I don't dislike anything. It might have bits where it can be improved such as notification and grouping of chats.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Drift i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Drift helps us to deal with customers' queries, and which is much better to talk with them over the Drift Chat rather than a phone call as we have more time to solve their problem and send links. Another cool feature that helps us greatly is that customers can attach pictures in the chat. Managed to get good opportunities from this app.

Średni rynek (51-1000 szt.)
Listopada 30, 2022
Ogólna ocena:
Batiste L.
Przedstawiciel ds. Rozwoju biznesu
„Przedstawiciel ds. rozwoju biznesu”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Drifcie?

Very useful, flexible tool that helps having quick insight on our website and allowing to reach Zaletypects really fast

Co Ci się nie podoba w Drifcie?

Notifications sometimes show up a bit late and it takes a while to synchronize all the calendars

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Drift i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Allows us to really quickly target who is on our website live , alowing us to see through some Zaletypects

Średni rynek (51-1000 szt.)
Listopada 30, 2022
Ogólna ocena:
Jim M.
Sales Development Przedstawiciel
„Zasięg wideo przenosi zaletyspecting na wyższy poziom”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Drifcie?

The ability to do a quick video introduction followed up with a video on specific pain points and solutions changed the way I Zaletypect for the better!

Co Ci się nie podoba w Drifcie?

I just wish we had backgrounds we could use in the video

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Drift i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Drift is providing a method to stand out from others and increase email open rates

Średni rynek (51-1000 szt.)
Listopada 16, 2022
Ogólna ocena:
Kelly C.
Dyrektor ds. marketingu produktów
„Przegląd driftu”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Drifcie?

The entire process from initially meeting with the Drift team in pre-sales to implementation to onboarding, go-live, and beyond has far exceeded my expectations. Drift has been a great partner to our business in providing best practice recommendations, is extremely responsive and is just a pleasure to work with. This has been far and above the best experience that I've had in buying and implementing a technology solution. Our dedicated account team is extremely knowledgeable and helps us navigate all of the decision points we faced and provided custom recommendations based on our needs.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Drifcie?

Nothing. It's a fantastic tool that is robust in its capability to scale to meet our needs. Combined with its services team, it provides a comprehensive approach to conversational marketing and demand gen.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Drift i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Drift helps us to improve the qualification of leads coming into our site to improve the quality of leads being passed to sales while simultaneously deflecting inquiries that can be addressed using a variety of other methods, content or resources.

Przedsiębiorstwo (> 1000 pracowników)
Listopada 15, 2022
Ogólna ocena:
Stella H.
Sales Development Przedstawiciel
„Szkolenie dotyczące dryfu użytkowników sprzedaży dla CSM, BDR, SDR i nie tylko!”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Drifcie?

The most helpful thing about Drift is that I get to connect and assist customers in real-time - in answering their questions, helping connect them to an expert and more! There are three other sdr's on my team selling the same product. So, when it is after work hours for us, it round-robins in a fair order to the next individual so we all have a fair shot of helping the same amount of customers - i like that feature as well! I also like the automated aspects to it where if I do not respond right away, they can select what they are looking to do from the automated answers options (ie talk to a sales rep, or get content/info about the product) - it is also nice that automatically asks for their emails so if the customer closes out of a drift chat, you can always contact them via email. I think Drift is very efficient, especially with our day and age how people enjoy/feel the need to get answers right away, this platform definetely helps save time and money in the process of helping others find the right solution for them. 22111569959406

Co Ci się nie podoba w Drifcie?

There have been issues with myself and my team members getting into the mobile application - whenever we click into it, it kicks us out. However, I do know some collegues of mine in which is does work for - we contacted drift support on this matter. Another issue I have notices which is in collab with our salesforce tool that sometimes when one of our sales reps (one of the 4 of us selling the same product) connects with an individual on drift, it then gets MQL-ed in our leads BUT the issue is that it goes to the wrong persons cue. We found an easy fix of just asking eachother if one of us has worked with that individual before and can always pass along that lead via salesforce to them. Another issue is sometimes customers come on there and say innapropriate things to us sales reps - I am wondering if one idea to implement into drift is being to block specific users/ keywords especiessially since for myself this is a professional setting.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Drift i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

The business problems that drift is helping myself and team members solve is being able to answer customer questions in real-time - also, when people come in via our drift messaging, customers reply at a much faster rate than email. Alot of times customers will have technical questions in which require the assistance of a tech expert or engineer - when this happens, I am able to just tell the customer to hold on a few seconds while I check with my team then I directly message my team members and they are able to get back to me so I can relay the information in a timely manner! it is such a handy tool! This platform definetely offers our customers such great customer service engagement: Overall it is a better converting, conversation, buying experience and another great thing is it provides us, the company, to receive good feedback of real-life challenges our customers may be facing with our solutions. It is always great to get feedback. I just recently read reviews on the drift site, one of them is by the company Tenable in which on the review/customer story it said the following: "THE CHALLENGE: PROVIDE HIGHER QUALITY LEADS WHILE DECREASING RESPONSE TIMES TO DRIVE MORE OPPORTUNITIES

Średni rynek (51-1000 szt.)
Listopada 14, 2022
Ogólna ocena:
Kyle M.
Sales Development Przedstawiciel
„Świetny sposób na zwiększenie ruchu na Twoim produkcie i organizowanie spotkań, które konwertują”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Drifcie?

A live chat feature allows you to engage with Zaletypects in real time. Drift also has the capability to schedule meetings with those who are looking to find out more about your offering.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Drifcie?

There isn't much that I would say I dislike Wadyidering Drift does exactly what it is intended to do.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Drift i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

It is driving traffic to our sales pipeline and providing me more opportunities each week to help me make quota. It provides me another avenue for my Zaletypecting.

Średni rynek (51-1000 szt.)
Listopada 14, 2022
Ogólna ocena:
Tania J.
Menadżer konta
„Drift to przyjazne dla użytkownika narzędzie, którego można się wiele nauczyć.”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Drifcie?

What I like the most about Drift is the ease of use and the excellent support provided along with the tool. The chatbot tool is handy and helps us to have instant conversations with Zaletypects looking for information. This tool allows us to engage with the Zaletypect on time to capture their attention. In this VUCA world, being a step ahead of the competitors will help us secure our position in the market, and Drift is a great tool which helps to achieve this.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Drifcie?

Nothing much to complain about; however, it seems a bit expensive compared to other tools in the market.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Drift i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Immediate chat response with the Zaletypects is what's best for me.

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Listopada 14, 2022
Ogólna ocena:
Mari P. awatar
Mari P.
Szef sprzedaży i marketingu
„Niesamowite przeżycie przez cały czas”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Drifcie?

So far our experience with Drift has been outstanding. From the first contact with a sales rep up to now, we've been supported and assisted proactively and thoroughly. The team at Drift is super helpful, and what stands up is that is a general attitude from everyone involved. Their processes are great, easy, and simple to understand, while at the same time you have someone guiding you personally through every stage of the process. But it doesn't end at implementation, then you have a dedicated success manager, pending of you and your goals. With all things technology, situations can go south very fast, but we've never felt frustrated or unsupported with Drift and that is rare in the Tech space. I recommend them 10/10 and look forward to keeping working with them :)

Co Ci się nie podoba w Drifcie?

Cennik can be challenging for small businesses like ours, but we understand it is an investment that it's worth it.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Drift i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Drift has solved many problems such as: the automatic lead disqualification process, an increase of sales capacity of response, a controlled working environment to monitor responses and attention to end users, to help us notice when interesting accounts are in our website.

Średni rynek (51-1000 szt.)
Listopada 14, 2022
Ogólna ocena:
Jian S.
Sales Development Przedstawiciel
„Łatwy w obsłudze chat bot”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Drifcie?

- I can use it to leverage my pipeline - Is that it allows me to leave notes for peers, while I'm in a chat with a Zaletypect.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Drifcie?

I haven't discovered anything about Drift , that I dislike

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Drift i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Drift allows our Zaletypects to get in touch with us directly and not via a contact form that keeps them waiting for an answer

Średni rynek (51-1000 szt.)
Listopada 14, 2022
Ogólna ocena:
Andrzej P.
Przedstawiciel ds. Rozwoju sprzedaży
"Bardzo łatwe"
Co najbardziej lubisz w Drifcie?

It is simple to use, easy to talk to the Zaletypect.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Drifcie?

How other people can take my lead with jumping in after 1 minute, give me a couple of minutes to get to them

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Drift i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

It is creating leads

Średni rynek (51-1000 szt.)
Listopada 10, 2022
Ogólna ocena:
Kai Y.
Sales Development Przedstawiciel
„Drift jest przyjazny dla użytkownika, szybki i wydajny”.
Co najbardziej lubisz w Drifcie?

I enjoy that there is a mobile app that allows me to see messages faster than any other method of connection. Competitors lack apps or quick links to those interested in the product.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Drifcie?

I guess the only thing I have had some trouble with is the sign-in/sync with my company and creating MQLs. Our system will send the drift profile to the wrong rep, so we must re-sort everything.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Drift i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Drift is solving the problem of slow connection to customers - most programs require a whole process to contact potential clients, but Drift allows me to connect right away with those interested in the product.

Przedsiębiorstwo (> 1000 pracowników)
Listopada 10, 2022
Ogólna ocena:
Joseph M.
Sales Development Przedstawiciel
„Pouczające, wnikliwe i wciągające!”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Drifcie?

Drift has made it easier to have "ice breakers" with Zaletypects. Nowadays, buyers want to feel they have maximum control in the buying process; Drift has the right features to make that possible. In turn, this provides a better experience for sellers and gives them a better sense of organic flow in conversation. Ultimately, having a tool like Drift can provide added value to your sales team.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Drifcie?

One of the features that I dislike is the setting for idle or being away from your computer. However, after being on the webinar and learning more about the updates, there will eventually be a new rollout of Drift where you no longer have to toggle when you're away from your computer.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Drift i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Drift is solving the problem of unanswered emails that are automated or feel boring; this also includes the hundreds of emails that typically get blocked or banned from servers as spam, ultimately landing in the junk or trash folder. Drift provides a better alternative with real-time conversation.

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Listopada 10, 2022
Ogólna ocena:
Austina C.
Sales Development Przedstawiciel
„Drift X O'reilly”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Drifcie?

I like the fact that potential customers visiting our website have the ability to reach out to us directly and help generate business. I also enjoy the activities page, where it shows what people from companies are viewing on our website in real time.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Drifcie?

Some things I dislike about drift are the frequent spam bots that come through. Also not being able to reset the queue for drift conversations when those spam bots come in.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Drift i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

It's giving our company another way of generating business from customers visiting our website.

Przedsiębiorstwo (> 1000 pracowników)
Listopada 10, 2022
Ogólna ocena:
Dan F.
Sales Development Przedstawiciel
„To było niesamowite, pomogło mi to wkroczyć na rynek sprzedaży, ponieważ nie miałem żadnego doświadczenia!”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Drifcie?

The best part about Drift is that you don't have to act like a robot. You want the person you are chatting with to know you are human, and drift encourages that. I cannot tell you how relieved I feel when I talk to a potential lead on drift simply because I can do just that, talk. without having to worry how to act like a robot. I love the fact that Drift allows the option to send a video. I think that is a fantastic way to send a personalized message to really capture the potential customer's attention, and really set you apart from the competition. I love that it is an attention grabbing, sleek and easy to use tool that hhelps make my job easier in the day to day. For the simple fact that it can help me achieve quota, that is reason enough to love this tool!

Co Ci się nie podoba w Drifcie?

Right now, the app is the only thing I don't like about Drift. It currently does not work for a group of us on our team and we are not sure why. I did reach out to [email protected] in hopes they can get the issue resolved, but it has been an issue for quite some time now for us. Especially when we don't have our laptops near by to jump on a chat. On the Wadyumer side, like when I visit my own company's website, I don't like to be Wadytantly pinged by the chat bot, but I understand the reason behind it.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Drift i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Drift is giving us instant access to potential leads. While the chat bot starts the conversation, it ties in a human, one of us, very quickly. It makes it very easy to jump right in where the bot left off and if we arent available it throws our calendar out to set a quick meeting. How awesome is that! Drift is giving us easy access to potential customers.

Średni rynek (51-1000 szt.)
Listopada 09, 2022
Ogólna ocena:
Michał C.
„Łatwy w obsłudze system czatu.”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Drifcie?

I like that I can switch focus from screen to scree and still be notified when a customer messages me. I like the short cuts to complete various tasks, i.e. /leave, /close, /zoom.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Drifcie?

I think there should be a way to automatically set your availability in drift. i.e, Online from 8 -12:30, or 12:30 - 5. This might already exist, but I've searched through the setting and can't find anything.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Drift i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

I think Drift makes it easy for potential clients to contact our team, and it makes it a lot easier to communicate back and forth in real-time, opposed to going back and forth via email.

Średni rynek (51-1000 szt.)
Listopada 09, 2022
Ogólna ocena:
Augie B.
„Interakcja z Zaletyspects w czasie rzeczywistym”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Drifcie?

Easy to use, interact with Zaletypects on their time

Co Ci się nie podoba w Drifcie?

Can be difficult obtaining contact information

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Drift i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Helping me get in touch with Zaletypects when they have questions about our software or want to get in touch with a specialist