iSpring Converter Pro to najłatwiejszy sposób publikowania prezentacji PPT w Internecie, urządzeniach mobilnych i systemach LMS. Możesz przekształcić swoje slajdy w treści HTML5, filmy MP4 i kursy SCORM. Po konwersji wszystkie animacje i efekty przejść, a także jakość wideo, audio i obrazu pozostają nienaruszone.
Narzędzie to umożliwia wzbogacanie slajdów o dodatkowe funkcje: dodawanie stron internetowych, dostosowywanie odtwarzacza poprzez ustawianie kolorów i gradientów, zmianę czcionek, zaokrąglanie przycisków i ochronę prezentacji przed nieautoryzowanym dostępem.
Segment |
Rozlokowanie | Windows na pulpicie |
Szkolenia | Dokumenty |
Języki | Angielski |
Accurately recreates my complex PowerPoint animations & transitions into HP5. Tech Support is extremely helpful
It is a small thing, but when synchronizing PowerPoint animations to prerecorded audio, the workflow could be improved a little
The creation of online training content. Moving from the source (on PowerPoint) to HP5 files that work on an LMS
iSpring Converter converts my large PowerPoint files with lots of animations into HTM5 in less than a minutes. ALL ANIMATIONS PRESERVED!
I don't dislike anything. I should also add that the iSpring help desk employees are super customer friendly. Actually, they are amazing!
Creating chapter summaries for my online textbook as well as self-test files using PowerPoint. These need to be converted into HTM5 before uploading to my textbook website.
Ease of use. A quick call with a sales person gave me important info before purchasing (like use a PC or you'll have to partition your MAC, chat support is only available during the trial period)
It's really unfortunate that I have to use a PC to do this work. Sure wish it was MAC compatible! PCs are a horrible pain.
mp4 to SCORM 1.2