Microsoft Azure to usługa przetwarzania w chmurze stworzona przez firmę Microsoft do tworzenia, testowania, wdrażania aplikacji i usług oraz zarządzania nimi za pośrednictwem zarządzanych przez firmę Microsoft centrów danych. Zapewnia szereg usług w chmurze, w tym usługi obliczeniowe, analityczne, pamięci masowej i sieciowe, umożliwiając użytkownikom wybieranie spośród tych usług w celu opracowywania i skalowania nowych aplikacji lub uruchamiania istniejących aplikacji w chmurze publicznej.
Możliwości |
Segment |
Łatwość użycia |
Rozlokowanie | Chmura / SaaS / oparta na sieci |
Obsługa klienta | Czat, e-mail/pomoc techniczna, często zadawane pytania/forum, baza wiedzy, pomoc telefoniczna |
Szkolenia | Dokumentacja, osobiście, na żywo online, filmy, seminaria internetowe |
Języki | Angielski |
What's not to like! With Azure I have been able to set up tons of Software solutions and deploy reliable infraestructure very quickly. It has a lot of ready to use resources which makes every developer's life easier. Particularly I like VM resources, Event Hub and Azure Virtual Desktops.
It can be very expensive to have the best configuration for your resources. This is good when you are already a big company, but when you are a small to medium size IT company, it can be challenging to get money to afford the right configuration for your Azure Resources.
On Premise to Cloud migration. CI/CD solutions. Web hosting, easy to set up blob storage services. Platform integration is way more easy with Azure ready to use resources. I provide integration of monitoring services of radio stations for music industry metrics in Colombia and Azure has made my job extremly productive.
Managed cloud database provided by Microsoft Azure. It is a fully managed PaaS (Platform as a Service) database engine that handles most of the database management functions like upgrading, patching, backup and also monitoring without the involvement of users. Managed database services also take care of scalability and high availability.
There are some limitations of Azure SQL Database like There is no windows authentication on Azure SQL, No support for database mirroring and failover clustering, It doesn't support stored procedures and user-defined functions.
Azure SQL Database is always up to date, fully managed database service where we can build our application with simplicity and flexibility to meet business demands. It has hyperscale storage that adapts to changing requirements by scaling the storage capacity. It has built-in controls and intelligent threat detection that keeps the data secure. Its high availability maintains peak performance and durability with an SLA of 99.99 %
It is having loads of functionality from sql, virtual machine, etl tools, visualization tools, and many things for which we can easily use this products
Their UI is quite difficult to understand for the fresh users. Amazon aws has simple Ui
Solving many business problems like if some organisations doesn't want to have on premise network then they can use azure or almost everything which is high in cost for on premise is available in azure
The best thing is creating pipeline for deployment and sql database is also comes with azure. And all this things makes development easy. So I prefer azure over all other tools.
If I talk about dislike then it doesn't provide functionality like server less development and I think scalability is also not up to the mark apart from that everything is fine
Microsoft azure platform provides a platform where we can host our applications. It can be web application or mobile based application. And it provides all database and deployment services
Compatibility with other technologies and easy to adapt
Cennik is little complex with own tools like power Platform
Mostly AI and ML helps in our organization for automation
Azure is fast, cheap and filled with lot of innovation.
In few areas they are still catching up with AWS which I feel shouldn't happen. Azure has lot of features which others don't have.
Azure is leader in paas implementation and I feel that's their USP.
the hyperconverged infrastructure distributed in the cloud is truly a strength
the cost and the skills that are not for everyone
coordinating multiple locations in different countries with different languages just got easier
Creating and deploying PaaS solutions, Creating VDIs, Signal R, AI/ML Builtin tools
Charging storage even if I m am not using VM where it is attached.
Scalability and reliability of the application. Flexibility for on-premise and edge-based solutions. Multi-region availability. Security features and cross-platform support
The flexibility and userfriendly windows
A lack of Opensource(some) availability in the marketplace.
Everything related to on-premises headaches and cost optiization.
Azure provide various services and help us in hosting various servers. The azure active directory is also being used along with Microsoft 365. It provides us on demand compute.
It is not as popular as AWS, some services still need further refinements. The pay as you go Services are high for some services than other cloud providers. Azure functions can be further improved.
It is providing the hosted datacenter services with all cloud benefits like pay as you go. It also help in Wadyolidating the services and help to migrate them to PAAS.
Azure provide multiple infrastructure as a service along with platform and software as a service. It made cloud economical and secure to use for the industry and migration of workload.
Microsoft pricing is still high than other cloud and integration out of the box can still be approved. The automation arm can be better in implementation also in the cloud
We are using azure for hosting our servers and providing vmware horizon infra to azure. We are also using for providing active directory services which make it very easy to use.
The interface, services like databricks, data factory, adls. All are helping organizations save cost and analyse their data without thinking anything about maintaining the infrastructure which just makes their life easier.
Nothing as such. I found it great in every manner. Cannot think of any shortcomings or dislikes till today. It keeps on updating and improving with times which is great
Data acquisition, data transformation and preprocessing of Big Data coming from multiple sources whether structured or not for analysis is very conveniently solved by Azure.
it is Cost effecive, and it supports dara security.
It requires management and also platform expertize is also required
the bandwidth cost is less from the organization perspective. integrated delivery pipeline. Yes more productive.
Also for Biztalk applications, it is the best cloud.
Costing system should be more effective in compare to AWS cloud
Here I am not having much exposure.
It is the best cloud computing service ever, for storage and networking.
I don't think there are any dislikes in Microsoft azure.
It solve infrastructure-related problem easily and effectively with the decent pricing
Automatic backup, from anywhere access..
Its very expensive compared to local database.
Ms SQL database related all requirements satisfies
the Content and insight in detailed to get insight in the course.
Not anything specific I found during the course
It's an amazing platform with flexibility and scalability.
Scalability, Cost-efficiency,rapid deployment and some more.
The complexity of interface is higher than expected for a normal user.
Learning Cloud Computing. It will help me grab the role in cloud computing field.
Easy to learn.easy to process.The best part is to navigate easy.
Nothing. But if have free certification on this is also a good thing.
Every thing is ok
I like the ML deployment platform as it is too easy to do and fast.
I don't have anything as such to dislike yet.
Deployment of ML algorithms through Azure is too beneficial for the data scientist like me