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Przegląd pryzmatyczny
Co to jest pryzmatyczny? to platforma CMS, która umożliwia tworzenie i zarządzanie zawartością witryny lub aplikacji oraz udostępnianie jej za pośrednictwem interfejsu API RESTful, aby programiści mogli ją pobrać i wyświetlić. Wyposażone w konfigurowalne repozytorium treści, intuicyjny edytor i wersjonowanie umożliwiające śledzenie zmian w treści, oprogramowanie pozwala ulepszyć Wadyistency treści, zwiększyć wydajność pracy zespołu i zyskać większą kontrolę nad swoją obecnością cyfrową.

Rok założenia 2013
Wielkość spółki Pracownicy 11-50
Centrala San Francisco, Kalifornia, Stany Zjednoczone
Media społecznościowe
Kategorie pryzmatyczne włączone Findstack
Logotyp Crevio
$ 29.00 / miesiąc
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Zadawaj pytania na temat Prismic
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Jak Prismic wypada w porównaniu z Agility CMS?
Jakie są zalety i wady Prismic?
Szczegóły produktu pryzmatycznego
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Rozlokowanie Chmura / SaaS / oparta na sieci
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Szkolenia Dokumenty
Języki Angielski
Cechy pryzmatyczne
Architektura oparta na API
Przywracania kopii zapasowej
Narzędzia współpracy
Modelowanie treści
Podglądy treści
Planowanie treści
Wyszukiwanie zawartości
Tagowanie i kategoryzacja treści
Wersjonowanie treści
Przepływy treści
Niestandardowe typy treści
Konfigurowalne dostarczanie treści
Przyjazne dla programistów pakiety SDK
Wsparcie GraphQL
Bezgłowa integracja e-commerce
Biblioteka multimediów
Obsługa wielu języków
Zarządzanie wieloma lokalizacjami
Optymalizacja wydajności
Bogaty edytor tekstu
Zarządzanie SEO
Bezpieczeństwo i uwierzytelnianie
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Zarządzanie rolami użytkowników
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Nasze badania pochodzą z różnych wiarygodnych źródeł i mają na celu zapewnienie ogólnych porad. Nie gwarantujemy, że nasze sugestie będą najlepsze w każdym przypadku użycia, więc Wadyider odpowiada na Twoje unikalne potrzeby przy wyborze produktów i usług. Zachęcamy do dzielenia się swoimi informacja zwrotna.
Ostatnia aktualizacja: February 15, 2025
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153 Prismic Opinie
4.3 na 5
Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Luty 02, 2024
Ogólna ocena:
👋🏻 Awatar Ste O
👋🏻Ste O.
Inżynier oprogramowania sztabowego
„Tak magiczny, jak tylko może być CMS”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Prismic?

I love the ability to create components to make my clients lives easier. It's very easy to use for both users and myself for development and if given the choice, I wouldn't pick anytihng else.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Prismicu?

I think it'd be very handy to have the slicemachine for Remix, but that's just me!

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Prismic i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

I think headless CMS' are a unique space based on what you plug them into, but being able to find good docs with legacy support is very helpful for development.

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Jan 27, 2024
Ogólna ocena:
Awatar Alexa W
Alex W.
„Doskonały bezgłowy CMS”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Prismic?

The best part about Prismic is how simple it is to understand and build sites with. The local development tool slice machine is a big help with creating website sections that can be re used throughout the website. Using slices as my main sections I have been able to rapidly increase my productivity when building websites.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Prismicu?

My biggest gripe with Prismic is the poorly organized media library, without a way to search for your images from with in the page builder or select multiple imagess at once it greatly hurts the ability to use Prisimic for large portfolio sites that have a lot of media.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Prismic i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Headless CMS and rapid custom website development

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Jan 24, 2024
Ogólna ocena:
Awatar Janine Z
Janina Z.
Projektant graficzny/programista kreatywny
„Numer 1 Bezgłowy kreator stron”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Prismic?

- It's realy easy to create a solid cms for any kind of website. I've been able to integrate it with existing projects as well as new ones. - Very handy multi language integration. - It's always in development, and has a great community with lots of people that can help you out (good customer support).

Co Ci się nie podoba w Prismicu?

- I would love more control over image storage --> renaming, creating folders etc. - I would love custom sorting of documents by dragging instead of publish date. So no dislike perse, just some improvements that would be a great addition :)

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Prismic i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Using saves me a lot of time and money since i dont have to buy and setup a server myself. This is especially handy for smaller projects/clients that have no problem running their project on prismic.

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Jan 23, 2024
Ogólna ocena:
José A.
„Pryzmiczny es el mejor bezgłowy CMS que hemos probado”.
Co najbardziej lubisz w Prismic?

Por la facilidad que tiene para su integración con diferentetes tecnologías web.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Prismicu?

Lo que no me gusta es su soporte para graphql. Ha sido un poco complicado su implementación, y eso definitivamente debería mejorar.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Prismic i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

La implementación de un headless cms para nuestra web y nuestro blog.

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Jan 19, 2024
Ogólna ocena:
Danilo G.
Gestor De Planejamento
„Prosty, praktyczny i wszechstronny”.
Co najbardziej lubisz w Prismic? is an extremely easy-to-handle yet highly versatile platform. In my experience, as someone who developed their own blog, writing every line of code, having a CMS integrated with the NEXT.JS language allowed me to seamlessly integrate it into my environment.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Prismicu?

The lack of an Android app, which could simplify the editing of my articles, is the most anticipated feature for me.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Prismic i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Enabling the publication of articles from my blog.

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Jan 18, 2024
Ogólna ocena:
Walerio P.
„Równowaga między elastycznością i przyjaznością dla użytkownika”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Prismic?

As a web developer, I've had the opportunity to explore various content management systems, and Prismic stands out as a noteworthy option. Prismic is a headless CMS, which means it offers a great deal of flexibility for developers while maintaining a user-friendly interface for content editors. Prismic includes a built-in preview feature that allows content creators to see how their work will look on the live site, which is invaluable for content accuracy and design alignment. The scheduling feature is equally impressive, offering the ability to plan content releases precisely.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Prismicu?

While Prismic offers a good degree of flexibility, there may be limitations in customizing the backend or user interface compared to a fully self-hosted and open-source CMS. This can be a Wadytraint for projects requiring highly specific backend features.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Prismic i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Different structured data

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Jan 17, 2024
Ogólna ocena:
Izaak M.
„Najlepszy sposób na dodanie bloków CMS do bezgłowej witryny internetowej”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Prismic?

We use prismic for to add content to our category pages, they have a graphql API which is very easy to implement, expecially if you are developing a headless website. It is also relatively easy to create new content types. Prismic handles caching of the api and image compression. The best products are the ones that you can use, hand out to developers, hand out to content writers and never get anyone ever complaining about it, prismic is one of these products.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Prismicu?

Searching for past articles could be better in the back-end interface

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Prismic i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

CMS blocks on a headless website

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Jan 12, 2024
Ogólna ocena:
Brennan B.
"Świetny produkt"
Co najbardziej lubisz w Prismic?

We've been using Prismic for a few years now, and it has truly transformed the way we handle content creation and management. We have looked at a few other products but stuck with Prismic. Prismic has exceeded our expectations. Its powerful features, combined with an intuitive interface and stellar performance, have made it an indispensable part of our content creation and management strategy. We wholeheartedly recommend Prismic to any team looking for a robust and flexible headless CMS solution.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Prismicu?

The UI use to be a bit buggy when you enabled paragraphs in a rich text field but they have improved it.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Prismic i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Solvest the problem of not requiring an engineer to code updates and push out updates just for updating text/images.

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Jan 12, 2024
Ogólna ocena:
Dave B.
„Solidny, łatwy we wdrożeniu i obsłudze, świetne odwzorowanie obrazów”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Prismic?

The slices provide a ton of capabilities. The platform has proven to stand up to our most complex and trafficked needs. Their image rendition capabilities are second to none. Our clients have been pleased with the simplicity of the authoring interface.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Prismicu?

Previews have been challenging to implement Wadyistently. Media search works well but content managers want organization features.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Prismic i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

They have reported that media organization features are coming.

Przedsiębiorstwo (> 1000 pracowników)
Jan 11, 2024
Ogólna ocena:
Joyce J.
„Łatwy w użyciu i nawigacji”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Prismic?

I'm a lighter user than other members of my team, but the navigation is pretty straightforward. The slice integration is good, and the preview feature is useful.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Prismicu?

When looking at locales, they aren't in alphabetical order, but in order of when they were added. This makes it hard to find locales when you are managing a lot and takes additional time. There should be linking between locales so when I'm updating one page it updates all other pages linked. Would make management SUBSTANTIALLY better and save SO MUCH TIME.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Prismic i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

It is the product we use to build out our site pages.

Średni rynek (51-1000 szt.)
Jan 08, 2024
Ogólna ocena:
Awatar Iwana F
Iwan F.
Dyrektor ds. handlu elektronicznego (umowa)
„Moja recenzja wykorzystania Prismic do zarządzania treścią stron internetowych.”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Prismic?

The UI is fairly clear and convienent, as well as being very easy to master. The tags feature works well and makes navigation easy. I use Prismic every day in my work, and using it alongside Solidus (the back end for our site) is cohesive. I've never had to reach out to customer support, which is a testament to the software. The ability to go deeper behind the surface is also fantastic, and often used by the developers in our team.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Prismicu?

The search bar function is sometimes tempramental and doesn't work as intended, but using tags circumvents this.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Prismic i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Allows us to house, navigate and organise hundreds (if not thousands) of documents that make up our site. This makes me job significantly easier, as I can directly travel to necessary documents (ie. changing a product page on site) within seconds and making changes is quick and efficient. I don't think I could do my job without this ability to navigate our content.

Średni rynek (51-1000 szt.)
Jan 06, 2024
Ogólna ocena:
Briana M.
„Najlepszy bezgłowy CMS na rynku”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Prismic?

The flexibility of the product is great, I've integrated in most of all my projects that range from NextJS projects and to Mobile applications.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Prismicu?

It could be much getting started with a new project, but once you have things setup, it's pretty much smooth sailing from there.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Prismic i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Seamless way to integrate into an existing codebase that offers great flexibility with content writers to add content while also developing in the codebase.

Średni rynek (51-1000 szt.)
Jan 03, 2024
Ogólna ocena:
Parul W.
"Łatwy w użyciu"
Co najbardziej lubisz w Prismic?

Very easy to use, simple navigation, Easy Implementation,Frequency of Use

Co Ci się nie podoba w Prismicu?

No feedback on this, All good so far, not had any issue

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Prismic i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

We use it for our website updates and its easy to use

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Jan 03, 2024
Ogólna ocena:
Brian L.
„Pryzm z punktu widzenia programistów”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Prismic?

Prismic is very similar to the Advanced Custom Fields + Custom Post Type UI setup in Wordpress. It takes the best parts of those plugins and brings them to the modern era of web dev. The slice machine setup they have working now is a dream to work with. Prismic is extremely simple to use, implement, and is very powerful. I can essentially create my own page builder with components i've designed, allowing my clients to create any number of pages without my intervention. They offer a very generous free plan, and their customer support is extremely helpful. A number of my questions have been answered on their community forums.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Prismicu?

The one thing that can be improved is their documentation. There needs to be more fleshed out examples, and more individual sections dedicated to certain portions of the developer experience. Sometimes I'll be looking for something, and the solution will be on this massively long page meant to cover 10 different topics.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Prismic i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Prismic lets me use modern tools and APIs to build my own page builder. I no longer have to work with Wordpress + Advanced Custom Fields to acheive that. Prismic is Wadytantly receiving updates and listening to user feedback to try and make their product better for both developers and everyday users of the page builder.

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Jan 02, 2024
Ogólna ocena:
Tim G.
„Bezgłowy, ale także stworzony dla stron internetowych”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Prismic?

Unlike other CMSs using JAMstack tech, Prismic isn't really headless as they've developed a lot of code that goes in the head. This gives the best of both worlds. Everything is architected like a headless cms, but a lot of the heavy lifting on the head is also done for you.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Prismicu?

No import API. While there is an integration field which serves a lot of purposes, being able to programmatically update a lot of content in bulk would be advantageous. Common website related features would also be a bonus if they were included. e.g. redirect management and forms.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Prismic i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Faster build times compared to monolith CMSs by removing the need to install the whole CMS locally.

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Grudnia 31, 2023
Ogólna ocena:
Goutham J.
„Płynne doświadczenie”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Prismic?

I've been using Prismic for more than 2 months now and I love the experience. The Editor is so fast and responsive. Creating content slices is a great feature as it helps us write different forms of article

Co Ci się nie podoba w Prismicu?

Could add more data types like Tables etc. in the future

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Prismic i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Prismic makes it easy to plug in a CMS with your frontend for content marketing

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Grudnia 30, 2023
Ogólna ocena:
Zach P.
„Łatwy w integracji”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Prismic?

Prismic is really easy to use and integrate with any framework. I've integrated it with Svelte, GatsbyJS, Laravel, and NextJS and it has always been a pleasant experience. It also has a good number of features for managing content.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Prismicu?

The only thing that I don't really like is that there's no way to self host Prismic. While this is definitely not a deal breaker, it would be a nice option but it's understandable why they wouldn't want to go that route.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Prismic i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

I use Prismic when I want t a nice and easy to use CMS that requires little configuration.

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Grudnia 29, 2023
Ogólna ocena:
Cristi J.
„Prosty, ale elastyczny CMS zarówno dla projektów prywatnych, jak i publicznych”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Prismic?

We've used Prismic since 2022 on 3 projects that went into production. We've mainly used it for public facing websites because we needed a tool that would allow marketing and copywriting people to edit content easily yet have the flexbility of having fully custom components and look and feel to the websites. Prismic is simple yet very flexible when it comes to content editing. There is a slight learning curve but once you understand it, Prismic brings many benefits to the table! - Automatic Typescript types for each section - Flexibility in defining custom sections the way you want it - Multi language support - Fast & reliable API - Accessible pricing - Real time previews for draft documents - Love the new live preview for slices

Co Ci się nie podoba w Prismicu?

Wadyidering all the benefits it brings and the pricing, you cannot complain really about anything. I would suggest more like small improvements other than things to dislike. - Would be really nice to have more text formatting options in the editor. At the moment you can't do strikethrough, change text color or align text like it's possible in other editors. - Would be cool to be able to resize images before uploading - The prismic dashboard sometimes feel a bit slow. The API is super fast, but loading documents sometimes feels a bit slow and clunky.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Prismic i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

The main problems it solves for us: Create websites and products with amazing UX and UI yet have the flexibility to edit all the content. We are benefiting from the fact that non technical people can edit content quite easily as well as share draft content internally

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Grudnia 29, 2023
Ogólna ocena:
Piotr U.
„Pryzmatyczny Usage"
Co najbardziej lubisz w Prismic?

I use a free version I love the slice machine I love the new slice preview when creating content I love how easy it is to use Prismic with NextJS I love the prebuilt prismic components for NextJS like PrismicNextImage, PrismicNextLink e.t.c.

Co Ci się nie podoba w Prismicu?

Nothing really, I think as the slice machine gets better more feature would be added E.g. easily deleting slice directly from the slice machine.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Prismic i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

Easily publishing content for my websites

Mała firma (50 lub mniej pracowników)
Grudnia 18, 2023
Ogólna ocena:
Ajay K.
„Najlepsze rozwiązanie do zarządzania treścią. Płynnie współpracuje z Next.js”
Co najbardziej lubisz w Prismic?

It's easy to learn Slicemachine is love. It's so much easy to develop using the slicemachine Works like a charm with Next.js

Co Ci się nie podoba w Prismicu?

To copy content from one prismic repo to another we need a paid plan. A little disappointed with that.

Jakie problemy rozwiązuje Prismic i jakie przynosi Ci to korzyści?

It is solving the problem of bugging the website developer for small changes in the content of the website. The developer just makes the template and the content editors can easily make multiple pages of the website. It simply awesome